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A few light beams shine through the cracks of the curtains as Harry's alarm echoes through the room. Both of them awake from the unwanted noise being omitted from the phone on the bedside table. Niall rubs his eyes groggily and sits up in bed, soon realizing that Harry is on the other side of him. Memories from the previous night flood through his thoughts, reminding him of the evening they shared. The alcohol they consumed could never dull the moments of last night.

"Good morning," Harry mutters out, sleep still laced within his voice.

"Mornin' H," Niall replies.

Harry studies him closely, "You don't sound hungover at all."

"That's cause m'not," He chuckles. "Do you work today?"

"No, I have the day off, thankfully," Harry replies, rolling back over in bed and situating himself to lay his head on Niall's lap.

Niall tilts his head down in admiration, running his fingers through Harry's hair softly. He thinks about how his mornings are never usually this blissful and feels appreciative for the change in routine. Stumbling upon the path that converged with Harry's has to be one of the best occurrences to have ever happened to him.

"I don't work until two if you want me to make us breakfast," Niall suggests.

Harry looks up at him adoringly, "Really? I can help you."

"Only if you want, you seem tired still so I can bring it back to bed once it's finished," He responds, carefully removing Harry's head off his lap and getting out of bed.

Without any movement from the tired and hungover boy in his bed, Niall softly presses a kiss to his forehead before leaving the room. As he heads into the kitchen, he soon realizes the mess they left sprawled across his countertops from the night before. Empty beer bottles linger in various adjoining rooms and sticky margarita residue had settled onto numerous surfaces. The drunken acts of hours past are understandably nothing to get upset by, leaving Niall to quickly tidy the mess up before he begins breakfast. That— or having to shue a guilt-ridden Harry out before he comes in and tries to help.

After five minutes or so, any physical reminder of their drunk antics are wiped clean and a frying pan is being coated with butter. Niall feels this weird sort of pressure to make this spectacular, high standard breakfast in order to impress Harry. It's almost like he feels the need to live up to the same expectations of Harry's cooking skills. Nevertheless, he does his best and whips up what he feels like is one of the best meals he's ever made.

Niall pads back into his room with a tray full of pancakes, scrambled eggs, assorted berries, and two cups of freshly brewed coffee. He gently sets it down on the bed and places a hand on Harry's shoulder to wake him. A few dazed blinks go by and Harry sits up to take in the sight before him.

"Niall," He pauses. "This is incredible. Honestly a bowl of cereal would have been more than enough. Thank you."

"I just thought you deserved more than just a bowl of cereal," Niall replies, nervously awaiting for him to see the main surprise sitting on the tray.

Just as Harry was about to take a sip of his coffee, he sees that the berries were arranged to spell a phrase: "Be my bf?"

Harry looks over to Niall with an almost dumbstruck gaze, a smile quickly creeping onto his face. He sets the cup of coffee back down and places his hand on Niall's cheek, leaning in for a chaste kiss.

"Of course I'll be your boyfriend," Harry beams.


With uniform on and the time nearing two, Niall shifts his car into park as they arrive at Harry's work so he can pick up his car. It's safe to say both of them were dreading the moment they had to depart. Fortunately for them, they now work together three days a week getting to pursue a career with music.

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