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Harry was standing behind the front counter as he waited for a customer to stop in. It had been fairly slow since he opened the store with no more than three customers in at a time. At the moment, the store was vacant besides him and another coworker. On most days, he works alongside Liam and the owner, Chester.

Liam started working there a few years after Harry did. The two of them got along pretty well and although they were just coworkers, Harry considers him to be a pretty close friend. They spend so much time together at work that they don't spend much of it elsewhere. Occasionally, they'll get together and go out, but they haven't found the time in a while.

The owner who was close to retirement, Chester, was around the age of sixty. He has never told either of the boys his age because he likes to claim he's just young at heart. He's been married to his wife for a little over forty years and they had two kids, both of whom already have lives of their own. To Chester, his music shop has been his pride and joy since the day he opened it.

A couple years ago, the store moved locations to expand and although it required Harry to move as well, he couldn't leave the music store either. He had grown quite attached to his job and Chester pleaded with him to come along since he really admired the work ethic the boy possessed.

Since Chester is nearing the age to retire, his wife has been thrilled at the idea of moving into a lake-side cottage. Unfortunately that would require him to leave his store, but he was a sucker for his wife. He promised to still visit once he did eventually leave, but he knew it would be kept in good hands with Harry.

The owner took the day off so that only left Liam and Harry working today's shift. Harry surveys the shop and smiles at how peaceful it is right now. The store is sectioned off in a few sections: there's a corner full of vinyls and cds, an area open for classes that are held in the afternoons, and the main section where all the instruments along with necessary accessories are displayed for sell. Liam was situated on the couch in the front of the store reading a music related magazine as Harry stood behind the counter trying his best to find things to clean and tidy up.

"So, any love interests come into your life recently?" Liam asks.

Liam was aware that Harry had been single for quite some time. He actually can't recall a time that the lad was even in a serious relationship, but he was curious to know if anything had changed.

"Erm..." Harry begins. "It's fairly complicated."

"I live for complicated. Try to explain," Liam laughs.

"Well, about a week or two ago I developed this crush on a cashier at Tesco when I went grocery shopping. I invited him to dinner but he's playing hard to get," Harry sums up.

He wanted it to be more than a crush, but he knew he couldn't rush their relationship along. For now, he'd like to consider them friends, or just two friendly acquaintances. Harry actually doesn't know what to quite call them. All he can hope for is that dinner date to come along soon.

"Tell me about the bloke," Liam requests, finding himself intrigued in his coworker's love life.

"His name is Niall, he's a year older than me, he plays guitar, and he's pretty witty. I don't know all that much about him considering I've only seen him at his work, but I've been coming in lately to see him," Harry describes.

Harry actually feels nice being able to talk to someone about Niall. Since the whole ordeal began, he's mainly just kept to himself about it since it's not really all that serious. Now if he scores that date he's been on about, Liam will be the first he tells.

"That's quite the love story you got going for you," Liam chuckles.

Harry blushes slightly, "You know, the first time I saw him when I was in line, this nan whacked him with a full on baguette."

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