greasy git and detention

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The next morning Alexander found himself in the Great Hall earlier then usual, he loved Cedric, he really did but he didn't feel like being surrounded by fellow Hufflepuffs who seemed to be glued to his twin's side every waking second. They were clingy, Alexander didn't like clingy even it he, himself, is clingy.

But he had very short patience and crowds made him angry.

As he slowly munched on his buttered toast he eyed the people in the Hall, there wasn't many, mainly the Beauxbatons group which were seated at the Ravenclaw table, the Durmstrang lot who were at the Slytherin table and a few Gryffindor's.

In the midst of the Gryffindor table, sitting all alone with a very noticeable pout was Ron Weasley, which confused Alexander because for starters Ron was never awake this early and second of all, Ron hardly ever left Harry's side, he wasn't even sitting with Hermione.

Fred and George may have forgotten about him long ago, but Ron was still like a tiny brother to him, a redhead he helped raise. They might not have been as close as the twins and Alex was, but Ron and Alex would always nod to eachother as they passed in the hallways. So at least there was that.

After wiping his buttery hands off he silently crept up behind Ron before plopping into the seat next to him. Ron jumped and his head snapped over quickly, staring up at Alex with wide eyes. "What did those eggs ever do to you?" Alexander waved towards Ron's plate where the redhead was once glaring at.

Ron sighed, his shoulders slumping forward. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay. Never did trust them, those damn eggs." Alexander nodded, he also didn't like talking about his problems so he understood and dropped the subject. He reached forward, stealing a empty goblet and filling it the orange juice — unlike his twin, he wasn't a coffee drinker, it was far too bitter for his taste, no matter how much sugar he added.

It was silent as the two of them sat there but Alexander knew Ron was starting to feel better after his second plate and he'd like to think he was apart of that factor as well. Even if they didn't talk, company was better then no company. As time went on more people started to trickle in and Alexander knew be better leave before the twins arrived.

"Well, Ronnie." Alexander was the first person who started to call Ron that, and the twins picked up on it using it as a teasing nickname to get the younger boy flustered, but Ron didn't mind when Alex called him that because the grey eyed boy never used the name against him. "I better get going. If you decide you want to talk about. . The eggs, I'm here. Or if you want to share another brooding silence, I'm up for that too."

Ron cracked a smile at that and hesitated before standing with Alexander and giving him a very quick hug before pulling away, his face almost as red as his hair.

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