"Insiders clear a downsizing was released today, as Powers personally announced over three hundred lay-offs. The handsome CEO may not be making many friends, but he's sure making money.

"In other news, last night a robbery at Kingsley Bank was stopped by Gotham's notorious hero Nightwing."

That last part caught Terry's ear and made him smile. He had admired the vigilante and her work ever since she appeared in Gotham. 'I wish I could make a difference like that,' Terry thought. While Terry was thinking, he didn't notice a gang of Jokerz enter the elevator until one of them started spray painting the tv.

That same joker then started to harass an elderly woman, and that's when Terry had enough. "Get lost clown!" Terry said as he pushed Jokerz into the tv screen, shattering it. "Big man," Jokerz commented while getting back up.

Before Terry could retaliate, a pair of arms wrapped around his body and 2 pairs of hands held his arms. 'Great didn't realise this clown had friends,' Terry thought as he gritted his teeth. "How about we teach this guy a lesson about respecting Jokerz huh fellas," the Jokerz said, readying his fist. Terry braced himself.


Everyone turned to see Nightwing land after bursting through the window. "It's Nightwing. Get her!"Jokerz said as they all rushed towards her. Quickly, she lifted one of the Jokerz and threw him into the other two, coming her way. Terry, in the meantime, headbutted Jokerz, keeping him in place. Terry looked back at Nightwing just as she told him to duck. Quickly, he did as she asked and saw her throw a batarang at one final Jokerz that was sneaking up behind him, successfully pinning him to the wall.

Terry stood back up and gave her a shocked look. He heard her grumble the word "Jokerz" under her breath. "Nice work, you okay?" Nightwing asked, snapping him out of reality. Terry nodded his head and answered, "I'm fine, thank you."

"All in the day's work, anyway duty calls," she said, saluting him before jumping out the crashed window. Terry ran to the window just in time to see her use her suit wings to fly away.

'Wow.' Terry stared in awe as he watched her figure fade away in the distance.


Meanwhile, Warren Mcginnis, Terry's father, found himself sitting down in Derek Powers' office after his coworker Harry came to him distraught. Warren had noticed red and black splotches on his friend's body and tried to ask about it, but all Harry did was give him a disk to keep safe.

"I asked you here, Warren, to clear up any misconception you might have gotten from that incident with Mr. Telly. Harry simply suffered an allergic reaction to a chemical compound in the lab. Shook 'em up a bit, but he's under the best of care," Mr. Powers told him. "That's great. So when can I see him?" Warren asked, relieved. "Monday morning first thing," Powers replied with a big fake smile.

Warren thanked him, but as he made his way to leave, Powers called out to him, "Oh Warren, before I forget, there seems to be a file missing from Harry's records. Would you know where it is?" Powers asked him. "I'm afraid I don't," Warren lied. Harry entrusted him in keeping his files safe, even from the hands of his own boss.

But as soon as Warren put the file in his computer at home, he figured out why Harry wanted to keep this a secret. Powers had developed something that could kill thousands! If only Warren knew the consequences of having that file.....

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