"Ah new students? They look fun to dissect..."

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Black*Star led us to a group of kids. There were three girls and three guys.

"Guys, this is Ayumi and her weapon, Mamoru." Black*Star introduced.

"Hi!" They choroused.

"I'm Maka, and this is my partner Soul," a girl with green eyes and blond pigtails said cheerfully, pointing to her albino friend with seriously creepy teeth.

"I'm Death the Kid, and these are my pistols, Liz and Patti," the guy with black and white hair told me, pointing to two girls that were dressed the same, but one was taller and their bust sizes were different.

"I-I-I'm C-Crona," the pink haired boy stuttered, blushing slightly and glancing up at me. His shyness made me smile.

"It's nice to meet you guys!" I replied happily, and Mamoru just nodded.

"I say you hand Black*Star's ass to 'im. That was cool," Soul complemented flatly, giving me a toothy smile.

"Uh, thanks," I muttered, giving him a half smile in return.

"Hey! I was going easy on her!" Black*Star claimed loudly, crossing his arms.

"Yeah right. She whooped you," Kid laughed.

I blushed, but didn't say anything.

"So, anyways, whose class are you two in?" Maka asked.

"Uh, Professor Stein , I think," I answered.

"Cool! That's where we are. C'mon, I'll show you the way," Maka offered with a smile.

"Thanks!" I accepted cheerfully.

Maka lead the group down the hallway and into a large classroom.

"Ah, new students? They look fun to dissect... Especially the girl," the creepy teacher guy, Professor Stein, cackled.

"Back off," Mamoru growled.

"He speaks," Soul muttered. Maka glared at him.

"So, who are you?" Stein asked.

"Uh, I'm Ayumi Chalridge. I'm 16, and a sword Meister. This is Mamoru, 17, my weapon," I said confidently.

"Take a seat over their with Crona," Stein commanded. I nodded in sync with Mamoru and made my way to the row where the pink haired boy was sitting.

I sat down, Mamoru on my left and Crona on my right.

Something was different about Crona, but I couldn't put my finger on it....

After a couple of minutes, I finally realized what it was.

"What is that... Thing on your head?" I asked Crona quietly.

"Oh, uhm, that's-" Crona started, but was cut off.

"Hey! I'm not a thing, bitch!" The tiny thing squeaked.

"- Raganrok," Crona finished quietly.

"Who're you calling a bitch, pipsqueak?" Mamoru sneered.

"You're girl. Duh, dumbass," Raganrok retorted. Mamoru stood up from his desk.

"Mamoru, please d-" I started, standing up between them. Crona started pleading with Raganrok, but neither weapon would listen.

"Fine! Duel me then!" Ranganrok screeched.


"Not again," I muttered, sweatdropping.

"Stein, will you supervise?" Mamoru seethed.

"Well, I have nothing better to do. Everyone to the front of the school," Stein told them. I groaned.


I stood in a fighting stance, holding Mamoru in his katana form, Crona across from me.

"Begin!" Stein shouted.

"I can see his soul. He's powerful, Ayumi. Be careful," Mamoru advised me as his face appeared in the blade. I nodded in response.

"I guess I have to d-d-deafeat you then," Crona said, gripping Raganrok.

"Let's do this!" Mamoru and I said in unison.

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