Facebook (Chapter One)

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Hello! Welcome to my newest story, which is not an online dating story. Chapter 1 is dedicated to @MyWritingUniverse for making my cover! This story will feature character dialouge and thoughts as well as instant messaging dialouge. Pic on the side is of the "model".


Harry sighed as he sat in English class, in his usual seat in the back, staring out the window at the faliing snow.

The students around him were chatting aimlessly with their friends. All of them enjoying the free time the teacher was giving, seeing as it was the last day before Christmas break. You know, that break that everyone would be spending with their friends.

But Harry sat silently by himself, never saying a word to anyone, and no wisps of conversation being offered to him. You see, Harry has no friends.

It's not that he doesn't want friends, or that he doesn't need friends--because, come on--everyone needs friends.

See, it's like this; Harry's bisexual and no one likes that.

It all started when Harry got his first girlfriend in seventh grade, right? Well he kissed her, and he liked it. But then Harry met Mike, and he kissed him, and he liked that, too.

So word got around to Harry's girlfriend at the time, Melanie, and let's just say she was kind of disgusted that her boyfriend's lips had touched another man's. That was the end of whatever that was.

Harry never talked to Mike again, either. He decided it was best to stay away from him from then on out. But gossip travels fast in the small town of Homles Chapel, and within two days, everyone knew Harry was bisexual.

No one wanted to even look at Harry, let alone date him. But, could you really blame them? Imagine kissing your boyfriend's lips and knowing they've touched some girl's. Or guy's, in this case.

And, Harry's just so goddam lonely. So he tells himself that it's okay to find friends like this, in my case as he logs on to his computer later that night. He decides to pick a social networking site first, Facebook, he thinks it's called.

Now obviously, he can't make a profile as Harry Styles, because who the hell would add him then? So he decided to make a fake profile, using some pictures from some unknown model guy he found. Cole King becomes his new identity.

The first friend he adds is a good-looking blonde girl with big brown eyes and an endearing smile. Her name is Chelsi and she starts the conversation with, Hey cutie, ur really a model? ;) xx.

And what would be the point of making this fake account if he didn't reply to his friends? So he replies, Of course, love. U 1 urself? ;).

Soon enough, they're chatting about Harry's "modeling career" and the places he has "traveled" and how Chelsi wants to "meet up" sometime.

Harry logs off for dinner, and when he logs back on an hour and a half later, he has 60 new friend requests.

Yeah, He thinks. This is totally okay under my circumstances.

Online Lies [Larry Stylinson AU]Where stories live. Discover now