Chapter Three

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2nd period passed quickly, too quickly for me to notice anything special about it. The only thing that was different was the fact that Flash was stuck in Peter's locker for the whole class. I giggled a little everytime I thought about it, which was very unlike me- I never laugh!

MJ noticed it too, so I told her what happened and we were both laughing our guts out for the rest of the period. (I know you're looking at me weird- STOP IT!! It's funny!) I didn't mention the new kids though, I wanted some time to look into them myself.

Eventually, lunch rolled around, and I ran there with MJ right on my tail. We always played this game of cat-and-mouse through the halls before lunch, and I almost always win. She beat me somehow, probably because she said Flash's name when she was behind me and I fell down. I wasn't hurt or anything, I just kept remembering the *thump* of him hitting the back of the locker, and it just set me off. I can't explain it, it's just funny. (Ok, we get it, it was funny for a bit. Focus, Shiz!)

Today for lunch was hamburgers and tater tots, which is my absolute favorite food combination. Especially with A1 sauce.... Mmm, it always added that special sense of *Chef's Kiss* Je Ne Sais Quois! (and before you say anything, I only know that phrase since MJ's taking a French class. I will never learn anymore French, I am solely Japanese-American)

We got our food and went to sit down at our normal table, currently empty. "The boys probably got caught mouthing off about Fish Breath again," MJ says with a snicker. Ms. Bass was the English teacher, and she somehow always managed to smell like the ocean every day. But she earned the nickname 'Fish Breath' from the fact that she always eats sushi, and her breath always smells like some funky sushi combo platter.

We start to dig into our food, and then somebody comes up to MJ. I swallow my tater tot and turn around expecting to see Peter or Harry, but I wasn't prepared to see one of the new kids from earlier- the scrawny one. On instinct, I wrap one arm around MJ protectively.

Both of them notice, but don't say anything. "Do you need something?" I ask him, my tone cold. What I really meant was Can you kindly piss off, but I couldn't say that to his face. I think he understood the message, but chose to ignore it. Dangerous choice, mister, I think to myself as he starts to talk.

"I was wondering if I could sit here for lunch?" He asks smoothly. "I just moved here, so I don't really know anyone." MJ nods immediately, but I notice the other kids that confronted Peter standing a bit farther behind him, trying not to look suspicious.

He smiles a bit and sits down next to MJ, but I don't move my arm. He starts eating from a paper bag, and we go back to eating in peaceful silence... despite the fact that we were in the middle of a high school cafeteria.

A few minutes later, he breaks the silence and asks what I knew he was going to eventually. "Do you mind if my friends come sit here, too?" "You mean those three kids that have been watching us eat for the last 3 minutes?" I ask bluntly, smiling slightly at his expression. "Y-yes." He stutters, while MJ turns around to look at the others. Me and Scrawny have a silent argument with our eyes, both trying to find out more about the other.

I suddenly lean back on my seat and rest my hands behind my head, trying to appear nonchalant. "Sure, what the hell." Both MJ and Shortstop stare at me, but he snaps out of it first and waves his friends over. MJ eventually goes back to eating, but she knows that it's not like me to drop something so quickly.

They all take their seats- Mr. Muscles sits across from Scrawny, Blondie sits across from me, and Fierce-Face sits in between them. Just then, I notice Flash Thompson walking in, his body temporarily molded like a rectangle. Me and MJ lock eyes and start laughing, but that's not the last of it- Scrawny sees him too.

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