"Aye!" The crew cheered back, dispersing into individual groups to see the island.

"We have couple hours till the big meeting. Do with that as you please but meet when it's time," Barbossa told the smaller group, nodding to Jack who slipped his hand into Lydia's.

Hopping down the bridge that connected the ship to the docks, Jack smiled to himself as he dragged Lydia along.

"Where are we going Jack?" She asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," He smirked.

He lead her through the fortress first, letting her feel the mischievous aura that was Shipwreck Cove. Assortments of stolen goods cluttered the markets, pirates of all backgrounds shuffling around them. It was a splatter of colour, this town much more organized than Tortuga, which was a blessing. They passed stalls filled with exotic fruits and various jewels, nothing that Lydia was going to question. She had a general idea where they got them. Along the way, Jack snagged a few bottles, presumably rum, and continued through the town until they reached a hidden clearing.

Wooden steps lead a trail up the cliff, completely hidden apart from the lanterns that littered the ground. The path was shaded by trees, caving over the path along this seemingly endless trail. Jack's grip tightened, shocked it was still there. Like an excited child, his paced quickened as he took her up the stairs, making sure she wouldn't trip up on the ragged steps. Emerald blended in with the mint green of the leaves, softly blowing in the wind. A few fell over them as they climbed the long steps, Lydia chuckling at how eager Jack was. His orderly skip, failing his arm that was holding the bottles crazily, was just the same run as he always had. That permanent drunk sway that became so charming yet if anyone else found him like this they would raise a brow.

The last couple steps revealed a clementine orange at the exit, the sun clearly setting around them. This made Jack go even quicker, not wanting to miss it. The clearing where they climbed the stairs had finished and took them to the top of the mountain, overlooking not only Shipwreck Cove but the sea below them. It was a vast field, shortly cut grass cut down to perfection. Who had time to prepare this? It looked like it was out of a painting, Lydia taking a mental picture as she didn't have her sketchbook with her. Spinning, she took in every part of the cliff, the sun smiling down on them. It left a sheet of is glowing light over the grass, acting like almost an orange filter.

Jack's smile grew as he took in the view of Lydia spinning around. She giggled as she felt the heat against her skin, the crashing of the waves below fading to a mellow noise beneath them.

"Don't just stand there come on!" Lydia laughed throwing her arms out.

Rolling his eyes, Jack threw the bottles down and ran for her, enveloping her in his arms and running around with her. Their laughs stormed over the noise of the sea, harmonizing into a beautiful song. Skipping around like they were already drunk, the pair jumped and danced in the evening sun, watching out for the cliff face every so often. After a while Lydia stopped to catch her breath, Jack holding her waist to him.

"Why did you bring me here?" She wondered.

"I used to come her all the time when I was a lad. Best spot in Shipwreck Cove," He smirked.

"That's definitely correct," She replied.

"Come on."

He picked up the bottles and they sat together at the edge facing the water. Large waves rolled below them, too small and far to feel any splashes of water. The sun was ahead of them, waving goodbye as it slowly fell past the horizon. Lydia rested her head on Jack's shoulder, their silence so comforting they could fall asleep there.

The Painter Of Port RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now