I looked between the two and they both seemed sure so I pulled it over my head. It was kind of big but it was comfy. "He looks cute in that", Anthony said quietly to Josh but I still heard him. Here they are making me blush again. "Thank you but you guys should probably get dressed and out there. I'm pretty sure class has been going for 15 minutes already." I said feeling bad for making them late. "As long as you're okay." Josh said walking to his locker. I nodded and went to the sink washing the blood off my face. Now it hurts my ribs to walk not to mention I have to put more weight on one side to limp on my ankle. "Do you need help to class Jaden? You're kind of barely walking." Anthony said walking over. "Oh i'm fine, I can do it myself." I said painfully limping my way to the door. "If you say so", he said as I walked out.

I made it to class finally. I had to take a break halfway but I made it. I walked in and sat down in the only seat left next to a girl. "Hi, my name is Avani", she said as I sat down. I winced when I sat down but quickly replied, "Hey, i'm Jaden." She looked at me for a second, "What happened to you?" She asked in a sincere tone. "The football players don't like me much." I said quietly. "Oh i'm sorry." She said before changing the topic. "Do you know what tiktok is?", she asked pulling out her phone. "Yeah, I have it. My account is just @/jadenhossler." I said as she looked me up. "You have 3 million followers!" She said shocked and I nodded. We continued talking for the rest of class and she asked if I wanted to hang out after school. We exchanged numbers and planned to meet outside after last bell. I went to my next class and got an idea.


So what if we did some-
shit to my hair today?

-You mean like dye it?

Yes ma'am-

-Betttt, we will go to sally's
after school.

I smiled and put my phone away. I pulled out my sketchbook and drew random things that popped into my head until class was over. I got through my last class the same way and met with Avani. She blasted music in her car all the way to sally beauty. We bought some black hair dye, then headed back to her house and upstairs to her bathroom. "Alright lets dye it, you should probably take the sweatshirt off." She said and I nodded pulling it over my head and putting it in her room. She gave me a towel to wrap around my shoulders which I didn't need but I think it was more for me to be comfortable. "Can we make a youtube video and dedicate it to Brad Mondo?" Avani asked while setting stuff up. "We can on two conditions. One, you cut any parts where my wrists are showing and two, don't intentionally fuck up my hair to get Brad Mondo to watch." I responded sitting down.

"Can I ask why on the first one?" I guess she didn't know who I was before earlier today. I hesitated before turning my arms upward showing the large vertical scars going up both my wrists. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable but are you the one that attempted in the bathroom at school?" She asked cautiously. I nodded, "Yeah that was about a couple months ago." She nodded. "I mean I have a few shirts i'm throwing away, you can look through them and see if they would be better than the towel." She said pulling them out. 

I looked through them. "Avani the only long sleeve here is a crop top." She looked at it. "So what? Wear it." She said, I was waiting for her to laugh but she didn't. "You aren't joking?" I asked confused. "Guys can wear crop tops and not be gay, it is okay to wear it." Avani said mixing the dye in the bowl. "Is it not okay to be gay?" I asked kind of sad she felt that. "No no no thats not what I meant. Of course being gay is okay. A few of my best friends are gay. Their actually on the football team, Josh and Anthony. If you are the school seems pretty accepting of them." She said rambling. "It's okay, Avani. Calm down. And I am gay but no the school is not very accepting of me." She looked at me confused. "Well I am and I say wear it." She added. I stopped arguing and just put it on. "Damnnn. You should stop wearing sweatshirts. Hiding all that cake is doing the world a disservice." She said as I laughed and sat down.

We finally finished my hair around 1am and she said I should just sleep over. I took the black stained crop top off which left me in sweatpants and Avani flopped onto her bed. I laughed and she turned over. "Come here." She said opening her arms and making grabby hands. I looked at her hesitantly, "I know you are gay, I just wanna cuddle." I decided it was fine and got on the bed. I laid my head on her chest and wrapped my arms around her waist. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders. This was really comfortable. "Damn you give the best cuddles. What the fuck." Avani said giggling. We both fell asleep shortly after. I'm lucky this happened, temperature hit below freezing while we were asleep.

I heard faint talking, "Dude what the fuck?" I immediately felt uncomfortable because it sounded like Mattia but I was half asleep and probably just imagining it. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and harshly pull me up then let go letting me fall to the ground. Now I was awake, I groaned as my ribs hurt from the fall. I looked around seeing Avani woke up from the commotion and when I looked up I saw none other than Mattia Polibio and Micheal Sanzone. Fuck.

Micheal  picked me up by the neck and pinned me against the wall. "Micheal what the fuck let him go!" Avani yelled. He got in my face and growled, "Are you fucking my girlfriend?" I shook my head quickly. "Michael we aren't dating and Jaden is my friend!" Avani yelled as he let go of my neck and balled up his fist. I put my hands up in surrender, "Wait! Wait! Wait! How could I be sleeping with her? Im gay!" I looked over and say Mattia smirk evilly. He walked over pushing Micheal out of the way and pinned me back to the wall. "So what is a fag doing in bed with my sister?" He said with that same smile that made me so uneasy. "He's my friend Mattia let him go!" Avani said getting up and trying to push him. I struggled to get out of his grip while Micheal pulled Avani back holding onto her. One punch to the nose and I saw black.

I woke up in Avani's bed. "Oh god you're awake, are you okay?" She said looking down at me. My mouth hurt and moved my tongue realizing i had bitten through it. "Did he continue beating me up after I passed out?" I asked in a fed up tone. "Yeah, he kicked you in the face when you fell. I'm so sorry, I don't know why he did that." She said tear running down her cheek. I brought my arm up and pulled her into a hug. "Mattia has been beating me up almost everyday for two years, it's not your fault." She stayed quiet for a second looking guilty. "I don't know what they are going to do but they said there would be a surprise for you when you get to school." I don't even want to know at this point.

She grabbed a shirt, "Here I shop in the mens section a lot so this should work." Avani handed me the black and red shirt the said 'Wrath' across the chest. We finished getting ready and I grabbed Josh's sweatshirt before we left. When we got there everyone outside was holding papers containing a shocked expression on their faces. We walked into the school just talking not noticing all the people staring at us then I got to my locker.

The entire wall had been wallpapered with print outs ads. They weren't just regular ads they were of me. It had a picture of with my eyes half opened and a tear stained face. I was handcuffed to the bed and completely naked. Underneath the picture it said, Fuck my muted little step son for 3000 dollars an hour. Can't scream, can't run, anything goes. I looked around and everyone was staring at me. I feel a panic attack coming so I walk into the bathroom, my ptsd was so triggered and I felt like I couldn't breath or talk.

I sat there on the floor for a minute just trying to find my breath. I rummaged through my bag finally finding the Xanax, I took one then put the rest back. Then grabbed my pen and started hitting it. I looked to my side seeing the open stall door. The note I had written was still there and so were the giant red stains on the floor. I wish I had just died that day.

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