Chapter 2

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An: I have a slight idea of how I want this story to go but please don't be afraid to leave suggestions. And sorry for any mistakes

Normani's POV

Never have I ever been stuck in my thoughts about someone like this. Ever since my encounter with Kehlani she's just been living in my mind rent free. It's the way she moved her body against mine as if she was teasing me letting me know that I could potentially have her just not at that moment . I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard my test dummy aka Lauren wince in pain.

"ouch bish," she said as I accidentally scraped her gum with the tartar remover. 

" The hell is going on in that noggin of yours?" She asked with her eyebrows furrowed as she removed the cloth like bib and spat on the excess water from her mouth.

I'm currently studying to be a dental hygienist it's always been a passion of mine, clean teeth and all.

"Well to be frank my noggin hasn't really been a noggin lately... more like mush," I spoke blatantly as I shrugged my shoulders and began cleaning up my work area.

" Probably because of that girl from the party the other day," Lauren said while readjusting her clothes.

" Why you gotta be so loud?"I asked wondering how she could possibly know what I was thinking.
I don't even know anything about this women, but it's the fact that I haven't experience something so sensual in such a long time. Which has that single moment on repeat in my head I wouldn't dare admit that to Lauren.

" I'm just saying, have you stalked her on Instagram yet?" She asked pulling out her phone opening the app.

" You want me to stalk and page watch? Don't you think that's a little much?" I asked slightly confused and also a little offended. She thinks I have that kind of time on my hands?

"Much? Of course not it's basically a modern day mating call." Lauren stated.
   I rolled my eyes as she continued to search for the young women's media account.

" What did you say her name was again?"Lauren asked with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Kehlani... why? Did you find it?" I asked attempting to look over her shoulder. Lauren tends to be super good at these type of things. It helps me believe more that what she's studying is indeed her calling.

"Why yes I did and she happens to attend our university." Lauren winked as shared the profile with me.

I looked at my phone with hesitation. What's my point in doing this as if I'm gone grow the balls to shoot my shot. As I was scrolling through the pictures on her profile, she goes to school here? How could I not notice someone so beautiful? As I scrolled further I realized how fit the girl was. I mean my abs didn't have nothing on hers and the cake. Gotta love the cake.

"Hey you wanna grab some lunch?" Lauren asked while grabbing her bag and walking towards the door.

" Yeah but I don't feel like driving so it's gone have to be on campus." I stated while grabbing my belongings and heading towards the door.

"Say less," Lauren said .

Kehlani POV
Starbucks coffee and lays potato chips are the only thing on my menu. Not that I wasn't hungry but it's the only thing I'll have time for. Justine texted me not to long ago informing me that there's a pop quiz in our political science class. And after that I promised myself that I'd take an hour long nap before attending my boyfriend Keenon's frat party. I was just about to throw away my trash until Justine snuck up behind me.

"Hey Bitch," she exclaimed.

"What's up with it," I replied.

I absolutely adore Justine, it's just sometimes she could be a little much.
She's a firm believer that life is too short to be serious all the time. And that people should be more in touch with their inner child. Which I also support and believe to the fullest, but I just don't have the energy as of right now.

" Oh nothing much I just love you so much that I wanted to share my note cards with you," She says giving a cheeky smile.

" My lord and savor," I said before kissing the center of her forehead.

I truly appreciate my best friend. Not because of this specific situation but in general. I think she knows me better than I know myself which is scary to think about sometimes. But I've known her for more than half of my life. We met as kids me being the introvert that I am she somewhat forced herself on me. Her ambitious energy had ran the others away, but it was admirable to me. As I was looking over her deck of flash cards someone interrupted me by tapping me on my shoulder.
" Hey remember me?" The girl said slightly nervous but it was masked by false confidence. Fake it until you make it, right? "Hey, yes of course I do... Normani right?" I responded.

"Yup the one and only." She claimed with a smug look painted on her face.

I must admit she was a thousand times more gorgeous in the day light than she was under blue fluorescent lights.
" I was wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime soon." She continued while nervously biting her lip. I couldn't think of a time when I'd be free other than Keenon's party later tonight.

"Yeah of course, I'm actually going to another party tonight feel free to come." I informed her.

" aight bet, here's my number." She said while reaching over me to grab my pen, and began to write her number on the back of one of the flash cards I was previously studying.

As she was doing so I couldn't help but to notice how delicious she smelled and how smooth her skin appeared to be.

"Alright I'll text you." I spoke.

"You better." She replied before walking away.

I looked at her number and saved it in my phone.

"Girl she is fine," Justine added while collecting her belongings.

"I'm well aware... I do have eyes."

An: was that too short? And I apologize that it took me so long ... been hella busy, but I hope y'all enjoyed please make to VOTE & COMMENT . ~ Ivy ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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