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Gon was the one who confessed to you. While at Aunt Mito's house, you and Gon were lying side by side on your stomachs on Gon's bedroom floor. Gon listening to music on his headphones and you reading a book. You looked over at Gon listening so blissfully and put your book down. Leaning in to hear what Gon was listening to, caught his attention. He took off the headphones and put them on you. You flashed Gon a smile, he blushed and then said something. You sat up confused, as you didn't hear.

"What Gon?" You asked.
He gently removed the headphones and sweetly said "I think I love you Y/N."
He gave you his biggest smile as he was pulled into a hug.
"I feel the same way Gon :)"

Naturally, even if Killua was thinking about you 24/7, he wouldn't admit it. Because of this, Killua made you confess. You, Gon, and Killua were in a new city. The goal was to have as much fun as possible before doing something responsible. Gon was sleeping in your shared hotel room, so you and Killua snuck away to have some fun, but you were on your way back to check up on Gon.

"Nē Y/N, why do I have to sleep on the couch? It's so uncomfortable and I have no room. Gon's already using the other bed can't we just share yours?"
You looked like a flustered mess, taking special attention to not look in Killua's direction.
"Y/N, do you not want to because you hate me? Do you want me to be in pain?"
Killua said purposely averted his gaze to the ground looking hurt.
"No Killua!! I like you a lot!!"
"Killua!! I love you even! Don't be sad!"
"No I knew."
Killua said calmly said putting his hands behind his head walking with a sudden cool demeanor.
You said taken by surprise. Killua swung an arm around your shoulder.
"What?! I wasn't going to confess to you. Thats too embarrassing."

Kurapika was the one who confessed to you...kinda. You and Kurapika were in a new city after a long day of doing the Nostrade's various errands. Because you were staying in the city overnight, you had separate hotel rooms but you preferred to sleep next to Kurapika because he expressed that he felt calmer around you. You hadn't gone to sleep yet, as you were sat next to Kurapika on a sofa, both reading. Kurapika put down his book which caught you attention. He looked over at you, giving a warm smile.

"Y/N I want you to stay by my side forever. Is that selfish of me?"
You put a finger on your chin, showing you were deep in thought.
"Hmmmm well Kurapika is it selfish if I want it too?"
Kurapika laughed **elegantly** 🙄🖕
As you got up to get ready for bed, you sneak a peak on Kurapika's cheek which caught him off guard.
" I love you Kurapika."

No confession needed 🤠. Leorio's goal from day 1 was to get with you. He's always been showering you with compliments and referred to you as his lover since from before you can remember. You've basically always been a couple.

Basically the same. Hisoka has always been super touchy and flirtatious towards you. But once you were staying in Hisoka's room after a match in the Heaven's arena and told Hisoka you needed to shower. As you got up to do so, Hisoka said

"I love you~"

Hisoka being the flirtatious person he is, you didn't think much of it, but he really did mean it.

Illumi doesn't date. Illumi doesn't confess. So I guess you did. One night, Illumi was on a mission or something. He was going somewhere, the destination you didn't know but you tagged along to accompany him. You decided to confess knowing Illumi would turn you down. The goal wasn't to get a significant other that day. It was to let Illumi know he was loved.

"What is it N/N ?"
( I've decided he calls you a nickname like he calls Killua, Kill)
"I love you Illumi."

Illumi didn't respond but his lips curved into the slightest smile for a split second. Illumi became a little more responsive to your affection too. You attacked Illumi with a hug from the back.

"I love you Illumi."

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