How you met

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Please keep in mind that everyone shares a different experience with reader-chan, so if you're y/n with Gon you're not with Killua I don't know if this makes sense but enjoy!!
You met Gon on a visit to whale island. You were super down because you heard there weren't many people your age there, but you wanted to scope out a new place to move to. While walking around the island, you met Gon who was good with a fishing rod, and a smooth talker too, because he was enough for you to move there.
"You should move here and stay with me!"

You met Killua somewhere sometime but you met him buying choco-robots. All of the choco-robots. You figured you could use your charms to maybe slit the chocolates but Killua denied. On your way out the store, Killua stopped you and handed you a few of his choco-robots. When you looked up at him, touched, he looked away.
"What is it dummy?"

You met Kurapika when you found him looking rather sad in York New. You comforted him and told him all about you, hoping he'd open up to you. It worked and you ended up working as a bodyguard beside him. Kurapika feels a lot better with you.
"Thank you for staying by my side."

You both met in med school because Leorio was a hunter and that intrigued you tons. Leorio was mostly interested in you because you were a girl but he soon warmed up to you and respected you as a woman.
"You're still a hot chic though."

Hisoka asked you to have dinner with him after a match he saw you win in the heavens area. You accepted because he seemed charming and because you were starving. Hisoka turned out to be a creep but you learned to like that about him.
"oOoOOOoooOh GoN"

You found him alone after the hunter exam. Illumi was cold and quiet but you saw through that. You knew he was misunderstood and deprived of love. You made it your mission to change that.
"What do you want to do with me."

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