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A Year Later

You had been dreaming a good dream.

A dream equivalent to milk and honey. A dream where the universe was exactly as it should be – the Resistance defeated, Snoke displaced, and Kylo rid of his demons. The slumber was exactly that – a slumber. A deep hibernation of which you hadn't the honor of partaking in months.

But then there was a voice, like gravel and thick with accent, that sliced through the veil. You feel his presence behind your eyelids and damn the universe for him being the first thing you hear in the morning.

"Wake up," he says. He sounds irritated – you can imagine his face pinching in vex.

A groan whispers in your ear and it tickles down your spine. Kylo has you in an embrace, your face pressed against the strength of his chest. "You're lucky I'm dressed," he snarls without looking. He too knows who hovers in the corner of the bedroom.

You peek at the ginger man (though carefully as to not arouse his suspicion that you have, in fact, been rudely awoken) through the crook of Kylo's arm. He stands in the corner, hands folded around themselves, with an importance only a General could bear. His expression tells you he's concerned – the sort of concerned that had more to do with the First Order rather than seeing a husband and wife sharing such an intimate, human, moment.

Hux's eyebrows crinkle. He's genuinely confused. "As opposed to...?"

You almost laugh. My God.

Kylo barely lifts his chin from the top of your head. "I am sleeping with my wife," he growls.

It's then that you finally decide to say, with great control, "How is that you're the one to wake us but not our children?"

You forget that he is a child, Kylo murmurs in your head. You smirk at him through your lashes and he grins back, sleep still lingering in his heavy eyes.

The general exhales with great distress, refusing to move an inch from his spot in the far end of the bedroom. Maybe he's very aware of the impatience pulsating from Kylo – maybe he's afraid to push any further. You didn't blame him – Kylo was more of a monster in the morning, especially when rudely interrupted from the sleep he so rarely got.

This had been an all too familiar song and dance for the past seven months. There was building the First Order, an entire system of government, and then there was raising triplets (take a wild guess which was more demanding).

"Because," Hux began crossly. "-your maidens took the children hours ago. They believed the two of you needed your rest but they seem to have forgotten that you're both figureheads of the First Order." He shifts in his stance; you can hear the fabric of his pants rustling. "Fortunately, I have not."

Still pressed gently against Kylo, you mumble, "I'm also a mother."

Hux is silent for a moment, considering this, before he asks Kylo, "What's your excuse?"

You open your eyes; Kylo is shooting daggers at Hux. The general now looks as though he understands he's crossed the line. Even Hux, rarely affected by Kylo's brooding, knows his limits. Waking the beast, especially with his wife, was dangerous.

A sigh escapes your dry lips. "What is it, Hux?" You've been defeated and, as much as you hate to admit it, he has a point.

"Have you forgotten about the queen's visit today?" he asks you, his tone like one of a nagging mother. Your hands clench Kylo's biceps in attempt to calm your breathing. Better Kylo's poor, abused arms than Hux's neck.

Gods, you were so tired. But of course you knew about the queen's visit. It's as if Hux can't possibly wrap his mind around the idea of a new mother juggling her career (for a lack of a better word) with her personal life. And aside from the sleep exhaustion, you were doing it pretty well.

"That's later," you shoot back. "What time is it anyway?"

Hux pulls his datapad from his pocket. "14," he tells you, clicking the device off.

You roll your eyes, tucking yourself back into Kylo. "I have five hours until then."

"Well, shouldn't you be preparing?"

You growl. "Shouldn't you be minding your own damn business?"

"The First Order is my business," the general snarls back.

A deep breath through your nose. Please kill him, you tell Kylo.

I think you're doing a pretty good job, he retorts.

You groan, lifting yourself into a seated position, and wrap the blankets around you. You're not naked, but you feel vulnerable in your sleepwear in the presence of the General. Funny, considering you've faced him with nothing on but a sheet.

"Because you're so concerned, General..." You wipe a stray lock of hair from your eyes, the messy bun atop your head flopping against your forehead. "I prepared my script for the queen's arrival last night..."

The General begins into interject but you hold up a finger, less he dare interrupt.

"-while pumping breast milk for three, seven-month-old children. One of whom has an ear infection."

Hux swallows hard, eyes retracting from you to turn his attention to the ceiling.

It's then that Kylo, still face down in the pillows, tells him, "Get out, Hux."

The ginger hesitates. "Get up," he counters.

You stare blankly at the wall, dizzy from sleep, and wait for Kylo to slam his hands against the bedside table as a show of force. But what Kylo does is even more frightening. He says to the general:

"I won't say it again."

Why this response is so much more intimidating, Hux surely couldn't be positive. But you know why. Kylo was a father now and, while his patience for his children was uncharacteristic, the idea of such vulnerability could, well, scare the ever loving fuck out of someone else.

You smirk at this.

With a sigh, the General steps out of view. "Alright, but if I don't see you in an hour I'm calling for reinforcements."

You scoff. "Like who?"

"Nyx," Hux shoots back from the other room. You hear him say something to C-50, and then, right before you're about to collapse back into the mattress and into Kylo's arms, you feel them.

It's a flutter in your belly. The entirety of your quarters pulses with light and your mood elates dramatically. Kylo sits up beside you, rubbing his eyes, and stretching his arms above his head.

"They're awake," he says, his lips finding your shoulder. He kisses your skin sweetly.

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