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Adrenaline spikes through your veins and twists your belly in excitement; to act quickly is of severe importance. Your immediate reaction is to turn towards the guard who is currently thrashing his fists against the lift doors. The gun at his side dangles against his hip.

Your hand raises and his weapon easily escapes from his holster and into your palm. You grip the handle of the blaster and point it in his direction.

"What's the code?" You nod towards the silver keypad plugged into the cell. When the guard doesn't answer, your voice raises. "Tell me or I'll force it out of you!"

The man doesn't budge. He lifts his chin in defiance, green eyes boring holes into yours. The blaster recoils in your hand and emits a smell of heated steel. His foot has been destroyed, a hole blazes with smoke in the top of his shoe.

"Tell me!" Your throat burns from the scream. Kylo raises his brows in the corner of your eye, a smirk tilting his mouth.

Impressive, he says

You smile sweetly at him. Thank you.

The guard, yelping in pain, has collapsed into a fetal position. His forehead breaks out into a sweat and he's fading from the agony. "1913!" he shouts, a spittle hanging from his lips. He grits his teeth. "Fuck you, you piece of -!"

You've shot him in the head before he can finish. His body lies against the durasteel floor, mouth still open and wounds fresh. You kick his boot for the hell of it. Dead as a doornail.

"Sexy," Kylo remarks.

You say, "I know," and shove the blaster in your boot.

The code turns out to be correct – the guard was telling the truth. How very brave of him. The glass of the cell slides upwards, letting Kylo free.

He starts for you, boots echoing against the walls; the sound excites you. You open your mouth to say something (part of you wanted to declare "I love you") but he grabs you by the neck and entraps your lips with his. It's feral - desperate. His tongue dances with yours, his fingers fisting the tresses of your hair. Your fingers have fanned the side of his face, holding him tightly.

You pull back for breath. "Didn't hesitate," you pant with half-lidded eyes.

The hem of your shirt is grasped in his hands. "Never do," he mumbles.

It's then that General Hux and two Stormtroopers enter the scene. The gingered official looks a bit disheveled in the eyes, though he's back in his pressed uniform. The troopers at his sides hold their blasters firmly against their stomachs, prepared for anything.

Hux clears his throat. "Let's go. There's no time to waste." He motions to the lift with a gloved hand, expression blasé by the sight of your embrace.

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Kylo is escorting you into the hangar where the command shuttle waits. The open air around you is being shelled with blaster shots. Bits of green and red swirl around your head like angry fireflies.

The shuttle is close in range when you hear General Organa's voice reverberate through the hangar, her voice pleading and shrill.

"Ben!" she screams above the noise.

It feels as though all time has ceased to exist. Suddenly, the blasters bulleting towards you seem slower. You know, of course, that this isn't a real perception, as Hux is demanding you to step onto the ramp. But Kylo has turned around, his eyes searching for his mother and you cannot help but freeze when he does.

The general stands in the midst of the skirmish, vulnerable to the obvious dangers. She gazes towards her son, arms limp at her sides; from here you can see her body shake with silent tears.

"Kylo," you whisper to him.

The fight continues on in the background but his legs have become immobile. The leather of his gloves tightens as he stretches his fists; the conflict within him is as strong as ever and it chills your bones.

You place a hand on his arm. "Kylo, please," you urge.

Gods, you wished he could. You really do. But you couldn't risk the death of another child. The fight is becoming more concentrated. In the corner of your eye you see a Stormtrooper activate a flamethrower.

The intensity of his dusky eyes has returned. He presses you into the command shuttle and, without looking back at his mother, returns to the darkness.  

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