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The next few days was dedicated to BB-4's care.

The little droid kept you busy. He chirped and cheered when you payed attention to him and, when you didn't give him enough affection, reminded you of it. You wiped the dirt he had picked up from the Finalizer off his body. You made sure he was fully charged, that there were no loose wires, and that he was satisfied in his new home.

Kylo was more benevolent than usual but he wasn't completely rid of his short temper and mood swings. He did, however, kiss you more often and held you against him whenever your back was turned. It was nice – it really was. You felt wanted.

Nyx was cleaning the quarters on this particular afternoon. She whistled a familiar tune as she polished various items. You, on the other hand, were going through files and disobeying doctor's orders; of course you weren't going to sit and stew for weeks. You had to work on something. You couldn't sit and stare blankly at the wall where the thoughts of your unborn child crept into your mind; it wasn't healthy. If anything would affect your recovery (and not for the better) it was remaining still.

You tap something on your datapad. Ambassador Tyth's face appears in a holographic form. You watch it with distress, thinking about the last time the two of you had met. It was an unfortunate day. The man seemed smug even in his hologram.

A list of details about Tyth popped up on the file. His grandfather had served in the Clone Wars and he had done his duty as pilot in the war against the Empire. Against the Empire. Strange, you thought. You didn't know anything about that.

For some reason, you didn't trust the elder ambassador. His outburst at your last meeting had struck a chord (and with good reason, too). Tyth seemed to hold classic morals and political viewpoints. According to the file, he had become an ambassador after he served as a member of the senate for twenty years. By the time he was forty, he was one of Baleine's most distinguished politicians.

Your father always liked him. But for what reason, you never knew. You recalled their many secret meetings – ones that you couldn't intrude on. Tyth was always a very mysterious man and didn't budge on policies that "mattered most to him". If it deemed fit for his own personal gain, he supported it. It was as simple as that.

So you supposed it really shouldn't have surprised you when he accused you of being brainwashed.

You continued to read the file. The rest of it seemed bland: he had come from a wealthy family and was the middle child of five boys; his wife had died of a heart attack. But the thing that jumped out at you was brand new information.

Tyth's daughter, Yula, had disappeared fifteen years ago.

You think you remembered that. You were only five at the time but it caused commotion within the palace.

The daughter of a senator...gone.

"Milady," says Nyx, her voice high and pleasant. It carefully pulls you from your thoughts and you smile warmly at her as a reply. "The general is here. As you requested."

Hux had been ignoring you ever since the "sheet debacle". You didn't blame him. After all, when was the last time he saw a woman who wasn't in uniform? You nodded to Nyx and stood up from your seat on the couch.

"Bring him in," you tell her.

Nyx nods and enters the code for the blast doors. The pale faced general walks into view a bit more casual than usual. He keeps a neutral expression and stands tall in front of you, shoulders back and hands in front of him.

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