Akaashi nodded, his face buried in Kuroo's scruff. "Okay. In a bit, though."

Bokuto grinned. "Take your time, Kejijjihijiiii!!" he stared at Akaashi, who was tranquil as his face was immersed into Kuroo's fur. He was waiting for him to start getting ready, but the other male just stayed like that for longer than expected. "Uh. Are you- what are you doing?"


"Ha.." Bokuto chuckled, perplexion edging his tone. "Are you smelling him or something..?" The older male pressed his nose against Kuroo's pelt, inhaling slowly. "Ew no, Kuroo, you smell awful."

Akaashi's face raised off Kuroo's fur and he blinked languidly, seeming to be tired. "Okay. I'm ready to go. Let me just get my coat," he said, yawning slightly as he pushed himself off the bed to the pile of belongings next to his bag on the floor.

"Okay!!" Bokuto took a deep breath, fiddling with the pockets of his sweatpants. His gaze turned to Kuroo again, and he sniffed his forehead. "Kuroo smells gross. How were you even breathing?!"

"Well, I mean," Akaashi slid his arms into the sleeves of his coat, "I think he smells good."

Kotaro began fumbling with his own clothes, frantically trying to decide between a sweater and a jacket. Which one would look better? "Okay then, you do you, babe," he shrugged, deciding on the coat to match with Keiji and pulling the thick jacket onto his body. "I don't know why you do, though."

"Eh," Akaashi said, waiting for Bokuto to walk with him out of the apartment. "He smells like you."

"...that's an insult." 


The couple made their way along the park pathways, the crisp and cold night air slapping their cheeks and pinching their noses. Bokuto's hand lightly grasped at Akaashi's as they strolled side by side, gently intertwining his fingers with his.

A puff of ivory escaped Kotaro's lips as he exhaled, his nose numbing at the polar atmosphere. He glanced at Akaashi, who was gazing at the darkened indigo sky above their heads.  Bokuto smiled to himself, following his boyfriend's solemn gaze upwards. Several stars flickered in his view.

The park was empty. It was getting colder by the minute, and all the people who had been joyously socializing and fraternizing there in the afternoon had already left. It seemed as if Bokuto and Akaashi were the only ones there.

"It's cold," Keiji said quietly. "But I like it here."

Bokuto nodded. "Yeah. I can't feel my ears!"

Akaashi smiled, moving closer towards Bokuto and squeezing his hand. They continued walking, a pleasant, comfortable silence settling between them.

Kotaro coasted a hand into his pocket, keeping his right hand braided with Keiji's. He gestured with his chin towards a fountain up ahead. "Hey, Keihiji, can we make a wish at the fountain?"

"Oh, sure. Let me get some coins, I think I have my wallet on me."

Akaashi dipped his fingers into the pockets of his jacket, botching around for his wallet. Their feet carried the two males in front of the spring of cold water as Keiji pulled out two pennies, supplying one to his partner.

Kotaro watched as the water glimmered, streaks of moonlight shining onto the icy blue waves as they rhythmically crashed over one another, following the light breeze as it transpired past.

Bokuto gently took the coin from Akaashi's hands, their fingers brushing over each other. "What should I wish for?" Keiji asked, mumbling to himself.

"Something you deserve! Like... a cake!"

"I already have yours, though."

"No, I finished the one I bought last week."

"i meant- ...okay."

Akaashi's eyebrows furrowed as he stared down at the coin, biting on his lip. After a while, he took a breath. "Okay, I think I have one."

"Don't say it loud, though!! Or else it won't come true!!"

"I know," Akaashi mused. "How about you, Kotaro?"

Bokuto fumbled with his pockets, nodding listlessly at the black-haired male. He could feel his heart beating, blasting in his chest. "Uh, you can go first..! Close your eyes and make a wish!!"

Keiji's eyelids skidded over his irises. "Okay," he nodded, holding the coin in front of him. There was a silence as Bokuto watched him open his eyes and toss the penny into the fountain. "You can go next."

Bokuto opened his mouth slightly, inhaling nervously as he placed the penny on the rim of the fountain. "Um. Actually, there's something I wanted to tell you," he confessed, stepping closer to the younger male until they were only a few inches apart. Kotaro's eyes shifted to the ground. "Keiji, I love you, you know that?"

Akaashi nodded slowly. "Yeah...? And I love you, too."

Bokuto grinned, glancing up at his boyfriend's eyes. "Yeah, but I don't just love you! I like, really love you. You mean the world to me!!" Kotaro took another breath. "And I think it's like, super crazy that we've been dating for a whole two years. And I feel like we've gone through so much together, you know? So... I just..."

The owl-like man locked eyes with Keiji as he began to kneel down, pulling out a satin black box from his pocket.  Akaashi stared at him incredulously, taking a few moments to comprehend what was happening. Kotaro's fingers edged the opening of the container, preparing to open it.

and then his hand slipped and the box fell into the fountain.

well fuck

Akaashi squinted, swiveling his head to look at the delicate box splashing into the pump, floating casually in the chilled water of the fountain. The ink-colored fabric was darkening, soaked with liquid, the top portion of it bobbing in and out of the water.

Akaashi blinked. He blinked again.

did... did you just-

The black-haired male looked back at him. "What?"


There was a pause.


"Ah... Well, uh... I mean," Bokuto awkwardly stood up from his kneeling position, clasping his hands together. He stared at his boyfriend, then stole a glance at the wet satin box. "That wasn't supposed to happen."

He looked at Keiji again.

Akaashi stared back at him.

"So.. do you wanna marry me??"


anywayssss this is the last chapter of this storyy, i really hope you enjoyed it!

i'm honestly so thankful for everyone who's read this! i got way more support on this story than i ever expected to get, so thank you so much! i genuinely cannot express how grateful i am.

i send you as much love as i possibly can <33333 thanks again for sticking through this story :)

btw happy bokuaka week!!


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