The dress Nyx has constructed is your typical wear on Yanni; a shapeless, ivory toned, silk piece with a cape on its shoulders. Besides, you had been feeling rather ballooned lately. Structured meant waist-binders which meant sucking in - and that was something you definitely weren't capable of doing right now.

You stare at your stomach, your eyes melting into your reflection so thoroughly that the world around you blurs. Against the ivory fabric is a normal looking belly - there's nothing out of the ordinary. It curves the same way and is just as soft as it was three months before.

But you knew.

Nyx watches you cautiously and places her head on your shoulder. She's taller than you by a land-slide so she has to bend her knees a bit. "Do you know for sure?" she asks. You don't need the context to understand what she means.

"No," you admit. You place your hands on your abdomen, trying to sense life or maybe just trying to make sense of it in general. "I've been too afraid."

"It's been a month, hasn't it?" she asks.

You say, "Yes."

"And have the two of you engaged si..."

You cut her off, too upset to think about the possibilities of intimacy with him. For the past month the two of you have remained distant - though not entirely absent. He's slept in the same bed as you but hasn't touched you since that night. You wondered at first if you had done anything wrong but then scolded yourself for it (of course you didn't do anything wrong). It was a daily mantra to remind yourself that Kylo Ren was simply not an intimate man.

"No. We haven't." You lean your head on hers. "I'm scared, Little Bird. Isn't that strange?"

The nickname still makes her smile. "Usually, yes," she replies. The two of you smirk at one another through the mirror. "But this is different. Much different."

"How do I know if I'm doing the right thing?" you whisper.

Nyx brushes your hair from your face. "The Force radiates from you, milady." Nyx takes your hand and kisses it lightly. "You must trust in its guidance."

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All is quiet here.

In the breeze you feel a presence that is needed. You sigh all poisonous breath out and inhale the atmosphere of Yanni back into your lungs. A gentle tapping flicks your shoulder before you see his vision before you. A bearded man with kind eyes appears, his ghost flickering lightly. He is dressed in a particular garb - the kind of garb that grabs one's attention. He folds his arms across his chest before speaking, his temperament always patient.

"What will you do now?" he asks you. He sits on a rock amidst the field - the one you had been visiting for the past three weeks. No one but Kylo and C-50 knew where it was so you felt at peace knowing your whereabouts were virtually anonymous.

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