Request Page! (Requests Closed!)

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I've been having trouble with ideas for one shots, so here this is!

Here's a little outline of how you can make requests:

-Name the character (or characters, yes plural) for polyamory or love triangles

-If you want an AU, name the AU (soulmate AU, Mafia, gender bend etc.)

- What Genre? (fluff, angst, songfic, etc...)

-Write the general key events/plot points:  add the detail that's necessary and will help me write out or understand how the story should go (write as much as you need to)

If you'd like to make a request don't be shy, leave a comment of what you want. Of course I'll do my best to write them all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

Haikyuu x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now