My living room

My living room

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My kitchen

And my dining area

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And my dining area

I walk into the kitchen and dump my stuff in there. It's good to be home. I walk over to the fridge and pull out a bottle of water. I here my phone ringing and pick it up to see that it's my cousin Dwayne.

(D= dwayne K= Kalani)

K- Hey dude

D- Hey Lani. How you doing?

K- I'm good. Just got back to my apartment. How you all doing?

D- Yeah we are all good. Jazzy is excited to see you. I just wanted to ask you that we are coming down a day early so could we stay with you in your apartment while we are there?

K- yeah that's cool. So you should be here on thursday?

D- yeah thursday at around 5. Also we were wondering if you would be want to come to Disney with us the day before we all head up to Wrestlemania? It could be a good family day out. My parents are down for it just need to know if everyone else is

K- yeah everyone should be. The kids will love going to disney land then New York. It'll be an adventure

D- cool. I'll call everyone to make sure so I can get tickets or something.

K- ok I gotta go but I'll get the spare room ready for you guys. Do you need picking up from the airport?

D- yes thanks Nini. I'll see you thursday. Love you.

K- love you too.

After that, we end the call. I decide that I gotta go and get ready to see my parents so I walk into my bedroom.

 I decide that I gotta go and get ready to see my parents so I walk into my bedroom

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Family comes first- Kailani Anoa'i Where stories live. Discover now