Chapter 23 - Time to Practice Some Magic

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I sighed, “I hate this.”

“I know,” Carter said, “It even feels weird for me to talk to Brittany and Mike now and I haven’t even known them that long.”

“They don’t remember the important things that are going on in our lives. Every time a new spell is done they forget something else. We’ve been telling them the same stories over and over again and we’re not getting anywhere. I’m afraid that one of these days they’ll completely lose their mind over this or slip and say something to somebody. What if that happens? What will we do?”

“Lily there is one option.”

I looked over at him, “I know…”


I sighed, “Yeah I think we need to do it. If we don’t it’s going to blow up in our faces because they’re not ready to know yet.”

“How much do we erase?” he asked.

“All of it.”

“Lily, all of it?”

“Yes,” I nodded, “What other choice to we have? We can’t just erase part of it then they’d ask for the rest. We have to erase everything they know since Brittany and I started seeking for answers about my dream.”

“You want to erase that much of your friendship?” he asked.

“I have to,” I told him, “I have to erase it. It’s for her own good.”

            We both turned so we were facing each other and took each other’s hands. The memory spell is memorized into our brains now. Rolla and Pilote have helped us practice because they said the memory spell is the most dangerous but crucial spell to know in our times. We recited the spell and watched as the shot from our hands and soared out of the library to find Brittany and Mike. When we knew the spell had worked we let go of our hands.

“There, it’s done. We should tell Rolla and Pilote what we did.”

“Wait a second,” Carter said.


“Lily you just lost the one person you could talk to about this.”

I shook my head, “I have you.”

“But you had her before you had me. Now everything that’s happened in the last few months is gone. Her and Mike are going to be completely clueless to who you are.”

I took a deep breath to stop myself from crying, “I know. How can I be friends with her now?”

“Do you want to lose her?”

“No,” I shook my head, “But she doesn’t know anything. I had to do it though I know I did because I saw what all these spells were doing to her. We were just confusing her and making her seem crazy. Mike thought the same thing because I could see it.”

“You did have to do it,” Carter assured me, “You’re right but now nothing will be suspicious. If we act this out right we will be exactly like everybody else. We know have hidden passageways to lead us to the palace and the chosen ones’ house so to the rest of Murera we are average citizens. We won’t be sneaking around. The danger is gone.”

I nodded, “You’re right.”

“Your friendship with Brittany will never be the same, but you can handle it because you know it’s for her own good.”

“How do I be her friend?”

“You can still hang out with her and have fun like you’ve always done but you can’t say anything personal. Don’t reveal the Tigma or Samoulte side of you.”

I nodded, “I hope I can handle this.”

“You can,” he held my hand again. “I’m here to help you.”

I smiled, “Thank you.”

“Should we go see how the spell work?” he asked.

“Yeah, let’s go.”

            We snuck out the forbidden section to find Brittany and Mike. We chose the perfect time because class just got out. Carter and I got our things from our locker and met Brittany at hers.

“Hey,” I greeted her.

“Hey,” she smiled, “You’re lucky you had free period because my class was a bore. Mike was pretty funny though.”

“Really? What happened?”

“The teacher kept repeating himself over and over again. He kept going over the same material because Mike couldn’t remember or understand what he was saying. It was weird because I couldn’t remember either. I only took two notes the whole class. I talked to Mike after but we don’t know what happened.”

I shrugged and lied, “Maybe you two just blacked out or something. You could have been distracted and missed what he said.”

“That’s true. I’m sure that’s it. What are you two up to?”

“We were gonna head to my house to finish up homework,” Carter said, “Then Lily said she would help me finish the house. My aunt and uncle are moving in this weekend.”

“I can’t wait to meet them. Are you having a house warming party or anything for them?”

“It’s only gonna be something small,” I answered for him, “It’ll be this weekend too. Come along. I invited my mom so she can officially meet them.”

“Awesome, should I bring anything?”

Carter shook his head, “We have everything covered.”

“Sweet, I have to get going but I’ll talk to you two later.”

“Bye,” we waved as she walked out of school.

“That was weird,” I said.

“It was,” he agreed, “The spell made them black out while it erased their previous memories.”

“I hope nobody else noticed.”

“They would think Brittany and Mike blacked out too so it doesn’t matter.”

“I don’t know if I’m going to like this new friendship I have with them.”

“It is going to be weird that’s for sure.”

“Let’s just go to your house. The spell obviously worked.”

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