Hidaya respected his mother like her own so he didn't understand why his mother disliked Hidaya ever since after the marriage.

"Mumma, Hidaya is no match for you. She's not up to the level of comparison with you, you're my mother and she's my wife. Mumma comes first." She smiled upon hearing that. She didn't want her son to be controlled by some outside woman. That's it. It had to be noted.

"I was just so occupied. Now I just came from work to greet you." His mother applied her now modern glistening white lipgloss that tasted like sugar and smiled again.

"How're you Ameer?" She asked now feeling at ease.

"Fine Mumma. I missed you." He shifted to where she sat with a lot of thoughts ongoing in his head. Being a man's really difficult sometimes.

"Come here," she engulfed him in her hold like he were a baby. Well, he would forever be her only baby. She loved him so much because he's the only child she had. And he brought a lot of joy to her life then and still that's why she don't want to lose him.

"I miss staying here Mumma." He said in a babyish voice that made him appeared small in her hold. Mum, sweet mum.

"Don't spend this long without paying me a visit. You heard me right? Let me bring food for you." She ambled to the kitchen and came back with a plate of rice and liver sauce.

Ameer grinned and collected the plate with gleam.

They started chattering and she cancelled her outing for the day for him. Ameer didn't leave until ten at the night when his car was brought back by the family mechanic.


Hidaya saw his message but it made her uneasy because he didn't state where he was going to. What if he's going to hang out with some of his colleagues? She heard that some of them were flirty and they wanted her husband's attention. She couldn't just imagine him with any of them or other woman. Her mother warned her about those looseheaded women out there. She told her to be vigilant of them and her mother in-law. If not they would snatch him out of her grasp and she would never have him back in her hold although he's yet to be completely captive by her.

She had been bouncing up and down in her parlour fisting and unfisting her hand. She had been looking forward to his arrival. She wanted to try what Maama told her tonight but he's yet back which meant it would hardly be possible.

Hidaya didn't cook dinner either because she was angry with him. She didn't wear any makeup like she used to, everyday. She's just dressed in her normal nightwear so that he would understand the situation

She was sitting down tensed in the heart, when his horn came. She refused to go out. Ameer opened the gate himself and closed it. He made a salam but Hidaya mumbled a reply underneath her breath. He looked at her and noticed the hard look she's wearing.

He smiled, knowing her so well. Ameer went inside his room, showered and came out.

"Why is she fuming?" He asked, sitting beside her. Hidaya moved away.

"Well done Hidaya, hope the house work wasn't much?" He asked in lieu, since she won't ask him about work.

Hidaya eyed him. "Fine."

Ameer yawned. "Mumma says her greetings. I have been there since after work." He explained.

Hidaya felt some anger rising to her throat. Why would he visit his mother without telling her. She didn't like the way he's always glued to his mother. The attraction between Ameer and his mother was making her feel worthless. Like she didn't matter much to him or she wasn't of any importance to him. She wanted to be the only woman in his heart and all.

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