Chapter 1

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Meeting Ava's New Friends

Ava's P.O.V

   Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

   "Nooo, I don't wanna get up!" I groan as I turn away from my annoying buzzing phone, trying to get some more sleep.

   The phone buzzed some more before it stopped and turned the caller over to voicemail.

   "Hey Ava, it's your brother Derin! I'm calling to let you know that I'm coming over today. I'm really excited to be staying with you and to meet your new friends that our dads told me about. Don't forget that you're picking me up at school at 2:30 p.m! See ya!"

   I jolted out of bed and checked my phone over to make sure I wasn't dreaming up that whole message. To my dismay it was not a dream and I'm totally unprepared for my brother. 'God, I only have 2 hours! It takes an hour alone to walk to Derin's school! And I don't have the house, myself or the Daemos ready. *gasps* THE DAEMOS! Oh no!' I thought to myself in a panic as I realised that I have no idea how I'm going to be able to introduce the Daemos to my brother. How will they react to my brother? How will my brother react to them? Well, regardless I'll have to tell them that my brother is coming over. I open my bedroom door and see the Daemos sitting on the couch watching their t.v. I walk over to the television and turn it off.

   "Ah! What the hell Prisoner!" Asch yelled angrily at me.

   "Yeah! Socky was on!" Leif added.

   "Why did Ava turn off the t.v?" Pierce asked.

   "Good question Pierce," I answered, "I have an important announcement to make."

   "Can't it wait till after Socky?!" Locklin yelled.

    "No, it cannot wait. My younger brother, Derin, is coming over to visit, actually, he's moving in for a bit so he can finish his schooling. My dads moved and he doesn't want to change schools late in the year," I state, "I need you guys to help me clean up yourselves and the house before I go pick him up."

    "Ugh! Do we have to clean?!" Leif whined

    "Wait. If you're a princess, Ava, does that mean Derin is a prince? And is he a sorcerer like you?" Noi asked me.

    "Yes Leif we have to clean. And Noi, you'll have to ask him that yourself. He doesn't enjoy people knowing certain things about him before he meets them."

    "Why?" Pierce asked.

    "Because....I don't really know. He's never really given me a reason why. I remember it used to be because he was in hiding but now I don't know."

   "Why would he be hiding?" Rhys asked.

   "That's enough questions! Maybe you guys can ask him yourself once he gets here and settles down. In the meanwhile, get off your butts and start cleaning. Also clean yourselves and get your human clothes on. I'm leaving in an hour" I demanded.

  "Can we come with you?" Noi asked

  "Yes, only if you clean and get dressed in the next hour." I answered.

   With that said all the daemos jumped up and started cleaning/getting ready. After an hour, everything was nice and ready for my brother. I grabbed my keys and purse and then turned around to face the Daemos.

   "Alright, now you must be on your best behavior around my brother. You are not allowed to attack or threaten him. Understand?" I asked sternly.

   "Yes," Pierce replied while most of the others nodded.

   "So I can't kill him?" Locklin asked.

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