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[Yn] POV

As I walk off to school I can't hide the smirk on my face and as I get there I hear

3Rd person POV

Idiot1: this is my GIRLFRIEND yumma

Idiot2/3:what no way man how can you betray us

Idiot1:no no think how mad [Yn] will be when he figures out I got a girl before him

Meanwhile yumma was "BlUsHiNg" from her "BoYfRiEnD" and watching him boast about her until she saw someone who really made her blush and who else but YOU maybe it's the person behind you... NAH it's you this is your story so of course it's you

And you and your endless brilliance decide to go up to her and say

[Yn]: why hello there

Yumma:general kenobi TAKE TWO

Yumma:h-hello there you..

[Yn]:ahh the names  [Yn]  and who might you be I haven't seen you around before

Yumma:um I'm yumma and I'm here with

Little lizard:oi what are you doing with my girlfriend
He said with a nasty perverted grin

[Yn]: oh he is your boyfriend yumma

Yumma:u-umm yeah
She said sadly can't blame her

[Yn]:I'm sorry that you lost a bet to someone it's ok it happens to the best of us I believe you will end him and all he loves in do time

You say as you walk away to class ignoring the screaming idiot that voice seems to sound like something dying on both the in and outside of itself

                    TIME SKIPUUUUU
[Yn] POV

Class went on like normal super boring and all lunch well thots trying to get pass the radar my all seeing thot detectors caught them tho so no worries

Tho I did hear something like music to my ears the dates on Sunday ahh so nice I get to see a great show on Sunday the start of the show might be a bit cringe to watch through but I'll bare it so I can see the weakling slowly die by something he though loved him(is it bad I was grinning while writing this)

But it seems that the kitty has yet to give up on its stroll to my place everyday so no more training not like I'll need it tho I'm op as hell And all the things I'm season one are weak so I got zero need to worry

WASUP IM BACK FOR THOSE WHO LIKE MY TRASH STORY THATS LIKE ALL OTHERS I WAS BORED TODAYS MY BIRTHDAY SO I THOUGH FORK IT LETS GOOOO WHOOO and all that Jazz  so bubye for now but I will have a question it will be the one after this YeEtTtT

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