The start of my happiness

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Yo we hit 1k views didn't expect it but coolios oh um if I'm slow with updating I'm just lazy af


Mk the first day of school just ended time to go home~
I think as I start to walkout but as I'm about to leave I hear a voice

???:hey pretty boy we will give you a warning stay away from or girls or else

As I turn I see issei and his two friends than what they say finally clicks
[Yn]:haha haha nice joke
I notice there serious face and
[Yn]:oh you guys are serious wait let me laugh louder HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA do you really think that I'm stealing your girls bro the girls come to me I don't want no fan girl I'm no Uchiha so why should I have the burden of one

as I do this they become pissed
Issei:this is your last warning bud back down

[Yn]:or else what?
Issei:that's it boys let's get him

As he says that all three of them charge at me and in the matter of seconds they are all on the ground my foot on issei's chest as I push down on his chest he grunts and I say

[Yn]:ohh come on is this the best you got come on "future harem king" at this point why don't I steal that dream of yours I mean I can actually do it I do have girls coming left and right I'm sure some are willing to share but no I won't stoop so low to your level I will have a girl I like for her personality looks are just a plus in my case
ohh look at me I'm ranting my bad.
I say the last bit as I kick him in the head knocking him out

And I head home I don't think I will be training for awhile I'll just focus on school for abit and wait for stuff to start I mean I am over leveled

Time skip(two weeks)
We see the mc leaving school thinking

Omg school is so boring I can't take it I just sleep at this point the teachers have learned that even if I'm asleep I'm smarter than everyone in the class including them and the trios have been beaten to oily either by me or the kendo club but I've been seeing fallen angels around so I think the start is coming soon and I want to see issei die hell I'll let him get resurrected just so I can kill him by my own hands when he can't get brought back to life again

Ohh also a certain period head has sent a certain cat Loli to watch me so I can't grind anyways boo hoo

As I pass under the bridge I hear something that gets me happy

Yumma:issei will you go out with me

At that I quickly teleport home(a skill I got I got a lot of skills and I'm to lazy to list them)

Yes yes yes I can't wait to see issei die omg I'm so excited (is that bad) I need to get to sleep and I'm going to guess that issei is going to show her off to me tomorrow to get me jelly of him this is the first time I can't wait to see issei this is going to be so fun

Time skip


And like that I get ready for school taking a shower getting dressed making breakfast and than I head out ready for school with a big smile on my face

Mhahahahah I can't wait

But you guys can right yeah you guys totally can now as you read up top (or not I personally skip this stuff sometimes to but yeah 1k epic sauce I'll try to keep this up I might make another story with another op person gotta love the opness of people welp that is all butte people

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