unfinished story that i might as well put here

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Three people stood in front of the centre of what would soon be the main island of a wonderland of fun... known as 'Starlight wonderland.'

These three people were not like most. They knew magicks. Not the kinds even advanced witches and warlocks use, this was far beyond their knowledge. These people spent their entire lives studying otherworldly phenomenons and began to craft up a theory that could very well have been turned into something wonderful. Countless tests, countless years, endless thirsts for more about these worlds, led to what they had now. A single orb. A small, hand-sized one at that.


"You have to be sure this will work. It's so small, so fragile. How can you be sure this holds the power of traveling through worlds and times?"

"Trust, Elizabeth. Faith. That, and the hope we can do good for the world."

"What will you do if it goes wrong?"


"You never thought about that Micheal, did you?"

"It will work. It will. I will make it work. This island is surrounded... It cannot be seen, only from so far up above. This is secluded enough. It hasn't been touched. It's too hard to get here. I can feel the emptiness around it. This is what the orb needs."

"What if it's not far enough away? You could corrupt our world, cause havoc... people will shame our names forever."


...and with that, the orb was placed in the perfect groove in the ground. But nothing was happening. Nothing was moving. Rage filled Michael's eyes. He whipped toward the one person who hadn't said a word.

"Whats going on?! Tell me Zack!" He growled, furious. Zack looked up, his face had a slightly turned expression, he looked worried. "Zack....?"

"These islands.... big investors are planning to make a sort of paradise here in the future."

Micheal stared blankly at Zack, then turned to Elizabeth. They nodded at each other in knowing. "We have to go. Take the evidence, leave no trace."

The three all went to clean up their mess. Michael, the main developer of the orb, went towards it to grab it. He cupped his hands carefully around it and pulled. His face fell slightly. He put his hands around it much more firmly and tugged. He was eventually tugging so hard the heels of his shoes dug into the earth. "What's going on?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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