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"How could you do that?" Jungkook questions in an angry voice.

Lisa rolls her eyes, she mutters, "How could you do that?".

"Are you insane?" Jungkook continues questioning.

Lisa chuckled in a tone of disbelief, "You asked me was I insane? How about you?". "Trying to ruin someone's life who you didn't even know each other, you ain't insane?" Lisa snaps back.

Lisa releases her crossing arm and she steps towards Jungkook, pointing her index finger at Jungkook's left chest "My mind is completely okay, it understands what to do and what not to do".

"I hope the coffee that was slashed on you early can help you wake up from the crazy things you are doing" she continues.

Lisa leans her face close to Jungkook, staring at him "If you think you want to ruin my Unnie's life then you'll meet me, remember my name".

"LALISA MANOBAN" Lisa emphasises her name clearly.

Lisa turns back, walking out of the cashier without ordering anything.

Jungkook, who has been silent for a while murmur, "Did you think I let you go easily when you did this to me?", "So you're wrong, Lalisa Manoban".

Dashing to lift Lisa unexpectedly, Jungkook carries her over his shoulder and come out of the Kuma café to the parking lot. Lisa startles, keep beating Jungkook's back and telling him to put her down, but he didn't listen to her.

No matter how hard Lisa tries to make him let go of him, it only made her feel exhausted because Jungkook's strong. How can the thin and weak girl like her struggle with a man with muscles pig and so strong like that, it's impossible for her.

Opening the door of his car and throw Lisa onto the car at the passenger's seat. He bends down to button the belt for her, turned his face to her. Their faces are so close to each.

Lifting his left index finger at her "You must pay me back what you have done to me". Then, he straightens up and slams the door of his car.

Jungkook walks to the driver's seat. Lisa tries to open the door, but she can't since it was locked. Getting in the car, he closes the door loudly. Buttoned the seatbelt, grip the wheel, he glances at her then he turns to the road.

"It's time for karma!" said Jungkook, smirks. And driving out the parking lot to somewhere speedily.

On the way somewhere, Lisa is praying for her life in her mind "I don't want to die yet, God please save me!".


Jungkook and Lisa arrived at Banpo bridge.

Under the bridge. Jungkook parked the car, got out of the driver seat. Walking to the passenger's seat side, he opens the door and pulls Lisa out. He carries her over his shoulder again. Making his way toward the river.

Jungkook wants to throw Lisa into the river, unfortunately when he was about to throw her, he tripped on the stone cause they both fall into the river together.

Lisa can't swim, cause her nearly drowning. Managing to wave hands for helping "!".

Her head vanished in the river. Fortunately, Jungkook saw her on time and swims to help her. He carries her bridal style and goes ashore. Lay her down on the ground, she's conscious.

First, he was hesitant to rescue her but decided to save her. He puts his hand on her chest and starts to compress it strictly. Presses the nose of her between his thumb and index finger, exhales the air into her mouth for a few minutes.

Lisa's unconscious, opens her eyes and see Jungkook's face is so much close to hers. Widen her eyes, pushed him out quickly. Got up, sit up and wipes her mouth by the back of her hand disgustingly.

"Fuck you, jerk!" she swears at him, glare. "Fuck you too" he snaps back.

"You don't know how to thank the person who has helped you instead of beat them" he stands up, goes back to his car.

Lisa stands up too, yell, "What do you think where are you going?".

Jungkook stops his step, rolls his eyes and sigh in frustration, he turns around "Do you want me to wear these wet clothes?".

"So?" she replies.

"Go to my house to change the clothes" Jungkook shrugged and continues to his car.

"HEY, HOW ABOUT ME?" Lisa yells asking, point to herself.

Jungkook stops his step again and replies "None of my business". He steps towards his car.

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO BROUGHT ME HERE" she yells noisily. Jungkook pretends not to hear her, he just gets in the car. While he's buttoning the seatbelt, Lisa jumps it.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook questions.

"How the hell you left me there, I need to change the clothes too" Lisa replies. "Drive me home!" she orders him.

Jungkook laughs faintly and drove out there.



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