Chapter 20

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Hey y'all! 

I know it's been a longer wait than usual but I'm an extremely lazy person soooo...

Anyways sorry about that again but let's just get on with the chapter!



Lily quietly crept up the stairs to the girls dormitory. She finally saw a door that said first years. She opened it but flinched when it creaked. She froze and listened carefully to make sure that she hadn't woken anyone up. When no one stirred, she quietly sighed and crept into the room. 

She looked at all the sleeping figures and found Nina's bed. Right next to her bed was a little side table that had two drawers. Lily carefully opened both drawers to check if the diary was in any one of them. She couldn't find it. She searched the room quietly but didn't find anything. 

Defeated, Lily turned around and was about to leave when Nina turned over. Lily froze and turned around but Nina was still asleep. Peeking out from under her blanket was a corner of a black book. Lily inwardly groaned. This was going to be hard. 

She tiptoed over next to Nina's bed and reached for the diary. She gently pulled but found that Nina's hand was around it. Lily took a deep breath and slowly grabbed Nina's wrist and pulled it up and with her other hand she grabbed the diary. She gently lowered Nina's wrist back onto the bed. 

Lily held the diary close to her chest and walked out of the room. As soon as she shut the door, Lily jumped in excitement. She quickly regained her posture and crept down the stairs and back to the Common Room. When she got there, all the boys were staring at her expectantly.

"Well did you get it?" James asked her quietly. Lily held up the diary and Scorpius grinned while Lev and James fist bumped.

"Now let's get out of here!" Lily hissed. The boys quickly stood up and Lily threw the cloak over herself, Scorpius and James while Lev performed the disillusionment charm again. The 4 of them crept out of the room and were on their way back to their houses. 

Lily took the cloak off James but while doing so she accidentally dropped the walkie talkie which shattered to pieces. The 4 first years froze. They heard Filch's footsteps coming nearer and nearer so Lily did the only thing she could think of.

"Here take this and run!" Lily said as she stuffed the diary into Lev's chest. He still had the disillusionment charm on him so when he touched the diary it became invisible too. Lily also threw the cloak into the general direction that she knew Lev was in and he caught it. She didn't want Filch to find it and confiscate it.

"Oh and no matter what happens, don't lose the diary or open it and don't tell anyone about the cloak, okay?" Lily added. Lev whispered a yes and then ran. He felt bad that he had to leave his friends behind but they didn't have enough time to cover themselves up properly with the cloak. Just as Lev had left, Filch came running into the room and was met by the sight of three guilty looking first years.

"Aha! I found ya! Oh am I excited to see what detention is in stock for you!" Filch said wickedly. Scorpius gulped while Lily looked at her feet and James stared at Filch in fear.

The three of them quietly followed Filch back to his office. When they got there he made them sit in the three seats in front of his desk and he spent a few seconds studying them with a large smirk on his face.

"Well well well, what shall I do with the three of you?" Filch asked in a gleeful tone. His eyes flickered to the chains that he kept next to his desk and then went back to them.

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