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We walked out of the elevator, everyone staring at us, probably assessing if we'd be anything but a challenge. Not long after we came in, a taller, more build man walked up to us. "Hey, you guys look like you're new here." He gave us a close-eyed smile and waved. "Hello! I'm Gon!" The green haired male said, before introducing all of us.

Unlike me, everyone shared their fare share of greeting towards the newcomer, while I just have him a glare. He sweat-dropped slightly before turning and talking to Gon. As they were engrossed in a conversation, I leaned over to Kurapika. "I don't like him." I told the blonde, to which he chuckled lightly. "You need to stop being to wary of every, you should lighten up." He told me, a feint smile on his face.

I hummed before standing straight again. "I think Gon's innocence and Leorio's stupidity has rubbed off on you." I stated, making Kurapika laugh. The rest of the group continued to talk to the new male, who's name we learned was Tonpa. Somewhere down the line he offered us a drink to "commemorate our new friendship" as he had put it.

Everyone had gotten a soda can from the man, even I reluctantly accepted it. The male gave us an innocent smile. "To friendship." He said, cheers-ing all of us before everyone started to drink the soda. I however was more cautious and smelled the soda before reluctantly putting it to my lips. Just before I was about to drink the liquid Gon had spat it out, stating that it tasted old. Which in turn made everyone else spit out their drink as well.

I sighed as Tonpa started apologizing profusely and grabbed the "spoiled" drink out of everyone's hands. 'Spoiled my ass..' I thought bitterly as I walked towards a nearby trashcan. 'He probably used a non-scented poison.' I grumbled curse words under my breath before walking back to the group.

The whole way there I glared at Tonpa, and it was clear he noticed because as time went on and he continued to talk to Gon he started to look more and more antsy. Suddenly I heard a scream.

I turned to my left to find a man on his knees, screaming, while his arms turned into flowers. As bewildering as it was to say, the sight was sickeningly beautiful... there was something about the way the flowers looked and fluttered about in the air that made it so mesmerizing. It was hard to take my eyes away from the sight.

"You really should apologize when bumping into someone~" The red haired male, who was standing in front of the male without any arms, said. He then held a playing card to his lips, trying to hide the smirk that played on his face, but failed miserably. "W-who's that?" Leorio asked, fear evident in his tone. "That's Hisoka." Tonpa started.

"He took the exam five years ago and was disqualified for killing multiple other applicants and attacking an examiner." Tonpa visibly shuddered, almost as if he was remembering the scene he was describing.

I wanted to ask a question, but when I opened my lips to speak the other half of the tunnel's wall started to move, revealing a pale, doll looking man with purple tinted hair and a mustache. The male introduced himself as 'Mr. Sato' and after a brief explanation told us to follow him to the next phase.

At first we walked at a brisk pace, but as time continued Mr. Sato sped up, which in turn also made us walk faster and faster, until most of us were full on running. 'I see.. not only is it testing physical strength, but also our ability to keep up our moral. After all, we really don't know how long or how fast this is gonna get.'

"Hey Tonpa, since this is your 35th try, you must know a lot of the other guys right?" Gon asked, interrupting me from my thoughts. Tonpa hummed before answering with a "kind of". "Can you tell me about them? I'm sure they're all really interesting." Gon said, to which Tonpa laughed and started exposing the ones he knew.

~Guard Dog~ Kurapika x readerWhere stories live. Discover now