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I walked with Kurapika onto the boat that would take us to the hunter exam, to be honest, we looked like polar opposites. The blonde male was decked out in his gear, he even had his nunchucks stashed away in hiding. I, on the other hand, wore a simple baggy t-shirt and spandex/stretchy pants. I also had my hunting knifes secured around the waistband of my pants.

Not long after we boarded the ship we sat down on deck with some of the other members, we chose to sit further away from the crowd, our backs leaning against part of the boat for support.

Most of the men here looked the same. Big, burly guys with weird haircuts and tattoos all over their bodies. Not to mention the big weapons they carried out in the open. The only people that differed from these descriptions were myself, Kurapika, a kid with dark green hair, and a man in a business suit.

"You want to bet more than half of the participants now won't pass?" I whispered to the blonde male beside me, a smirk evident on my face. The said males lips tugged up slightly as well. "Do I even need to answer?" I couldn't help but laugh at his response.

"What do you find so funny, girly/little boy/little person?" A deep, masculine voice asked me. I looked in the direction I heard the voice and found a male with a shaved head glaring at me. The small smile that was on my face still hadn't disappeared. "You guys." I answered, tilting my head back, feeling the way the boat rocked side to side as the crew made preparations for us to leave.

I blocked out almost all sound that was around me, I couldn't hear the one man yelling at me, or the other men on board starting up a commotion themselves. The only thing I heard was the slight splashing of the waves and the birds chirping in the distance.

Very suddenly, the birds changed from singing their sweet melodies, to more violent, almost hostile chirping. I opened my eyes to see if maybe the birds were fighting, only to find them flying in a strange pattern. I let out a prominent sigh, making Kurapika glance at me out of the corner of his eye.

"A storms coming.. maybe I should ask the captain what we're supposed to do for now.." I said, standing up. "Don't get yourself killed while I'm gone." I said, giving a teasing look to Kurapika, to which he rolled his eyes at. "You say that every time, and have I died yet?"

"Relax, I'm just teasing." I ruffled the blonde males hair, making him lightly slap my hand away. "Hey!" I giggled at his response, opting to not annoy him any further. "I'll be off then."

I walked around the ship, asking different crew members if they've seen the captain. Eventually one of them pointed out a man with a bright red nose, and I thanked them.

It didn't take me long to make my way near the male. "Captain." I called out, which got a immediate response. "Yes. Is there a somthin' you be needin'?" I nodded my head, "Yes, I'm sure you know already but a storms coming-" I started, only to be interrupted.

"Oh really? And how is it that ye know?" I turned my attention towards the birds. "Can't you tell by the way they're screeching. Animals are highly susceptible to changes in weather. Just a few moments ago they were calm, not to mention their flight patterns are very sporadic."

"Ye really know yer stuff, now don't ya?" The captain asked, a smirk evident on his face. "Why yes, but my question is, what are going to do once the storm arrives?"

It didn't take long for the storm to reach us, so the captain sent us under the deck. The boat swayed viciously, throwing almost everyone from one side of the room to another. Me and Kurapika simply suck ourselves in a corner, making sure our feet where secure by pressing them against either side of the walls.

The most turmoil parts of the storm lasted for maybe an hour or so, it was clear by the thunder and harsh slaps of water against the boat that the storm hadn't let up yet, but the worst of it was over.

~Guard Dog~ Kurapika x readerWhere stories live. Discover now