Chapter 11

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"Hey babe, I just want you to know that I only have eyes for you. I can't hold your hand or kiss you, but my heart's still there. We'll talk after school." A big grin formed on my face as I listened to the voicemail for what felt like the millionth time.

"Nate again?" Blair smirked from behind me and I threw a pillow at her.

"Shut up. I just like hearing it, okay?" I laughed. I put my phone down on bed and finished getting ready for school.

"It's so weird you dating Nate, I'm happy for you. But it's weird." Blair commented.

"Trust me, I know. It's so weird being with him. It's gonna be even weirder seeing him at school and acting like we're not together."

"Do you love him?" Blair asked.

"B! It's only been three days. That's a little sudden." I laughed and linked her arm.

"You don't have to do this, you know?" Blair randomly stated.

"Do what?" I asked, puzzled.

"Be my friend, support me in school. You could be friend with Jenny and the ungrateful birches." She huffed.

"B, Jenny messed with my family. She's trying to overthrow a Waldorf, we can't have that. Bitch is going down."

Blair gave me a smile and kissed my cheek. "And that's why you're the best sister ever. If Little J thinks she's the next Queen B, she's got another thing coming."

I walked to school with Blair, smiling brightly. It was a genuine smile and I honestly couldn't remember the last time I gave an honest smile. But I liked it.

When we got into school, I spotted Nate in the distance we locked eyes for a moment. I made the first move of looking away, a big grin on my face.

However happiness never lasts long and a Chuck Bass shape cloud soon came my way to rain on my parade. "Waldorf...Waldorf." Chuck nodded as a form of greeting.

"I'll see you at lunch, B." I said and turned to walk off.

"A, wait." Chuck called and grabbed my hand.

I looked down at our interlocked hands and sighed. "What do you want, Charles?" I asked pulling my hand a away from his.

"You can forgive Blair and not me?" He frowned.

"Blair's my sister and at the end of the day I'll always love her. But you're nothing to me anymore." I shook my head at him.

Chuck cupped my face with his hand. "Please Lexi, I miss you. I want to be your friend again if nothing else."

"Chuck, you don't want me. You've never wanted me. You're just scared to go after who you really want and well- you want Blair." I said. "Goodby Chuck." I took a deep breath and walked away from him.

When I go into the classroom my phone buzzed, along with everyone else's.

'Spotted: A and C acting all cosy on the court yard. Has the flame rekindled between them? Or is Chuck having the best of both Waldorfs?'

Attached was a picture of myself and Chuck, he had his hand cupping my cheek and I was looking up at him. It looked a hell of a lot worse than what it was, but what did I care? I was with Nate now and I wasn't bothered with rumours.

By the time lunch around my 'big reunion' with Chuck had gotten around the school.

"Looks like someone's happy to forgive the slut and and the cheating scumbag. I suppose that just makes you his bitch." A voice called from behind me. I turned around to see Jenny and the minions.

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