Chapter 17

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Sorry this took so long again!! My life's insanely busy at the moment and thing after thing seems to keep happening. Bad and good. But anyway, here's the new chapter and I hope you all enjoy. There's probably only going to be about three more chapters left, which is insane!! I can't believe this story is nearing an end!! And thank you so, so much for those who have stuck with me and are being understanding. Hopefully updates can come quicker now, but I have received really bad news that is making everything slow right down. But yes, here's the next chapter and I love you all!! xx

It's time that I stopped holding onto fate and faced the music. I took a deep breath and turned right. I had to run down the road to make sure I made it in time. I stopped short of the door, straightening out my hair and brushing it down. I didn't want to look like I had just made a split-decision to run here. There was still a nibbling in my chest, the feeling of making the wrong choice but I pushed it away, I had made my choice and I was here now.

I smiled as I walked into Georgios spotting Carter waiting at our table. I waved to him and walked over. He stood up and held out my seat for me, which I tried to graciously sit down on while wearing a semi-short skirt. "Hey."

"Hi. I was starting to think you wasn't going to come." He sat down opposite me, his eyebrow raising in obvious question.

"Oh I know, sorry I'm a little late. S and B just insisted on helping me with my hair, and they're perfectionists." I laughed slightly nervously. I know I could have told him the truth, but it seemed wrong to ruin the moment between us. Not when we were trying to fix our relationship. Besides, now was the time I could forget about Nate. I made my choice, I had to accept it.

"Right. I already ordered for us, I hope you don't mind. You just choose the same thing all the time, I thought it might be fun to try something different." He smiled bashfully. "I can change it back if you'd like?"

"No!" I shook my head. "It's fine, honestly. I don't mind." I bit down on my lip, trying to figure out how to bring the topic of our relationship up in a delicate way. "so, does this mean we're officially back together, or are you still made at the whole Nate kissing me thing?" Nice. Real subtle.

"I overreacted. I should have just been mad at him, not you. I'm sorry. If you want me back, then we're back together." Carter's voice was honest when he spoke and slightly vulnerable, something I was still getting used to. Seeing the vulnerable side of carter.

"Of course I want you back." I reached my hand out to hold his. My heart dropped in my chest, I felt like I was going to be sick. But I told myself it was all because of the big decision I had to make. By tomorrow this sinking feeling will have gone. It had nothing to do with Nate.

Dinner was perfect and Carter couldn't be described as anything but a gentleman. He was brilliant, but the spark just wasn't there. I felt like we had lost it and I wasn't sure how to get it back. If we could get it back.

He dropped me off at home and walked me to the door. "Be honest, did you think that date went well?" He asked.

I bit my lip and shrugged my shoulders. "I mean I wasn't a bad date..."

"But it wasn't a good one either." He finished for me.

"Maybe it wasn't the right time for us. I mean, we were going great but maybe that was before everyone was involved. And now everyone else knows, it's like the fun and the secret has gone." Regret was washing over me like waves crashing into a shore, it was fast and unrelenting.

I made the wrong choice.

I said goodbye to Carter and ran straight up to my room, ignoring Blair's shouts for my name. I locked my door behind me and got out my phone. I dialed Nate's number and walked out onto my balcony.

"Hello?" It was the sound of a girl's voice, someone I didn't recognize. Boy, he seemed to work fast.

"Oh- uh hi is Nate there?" I asked.

"He's busy right now, can I take a message?"

"No it's fine. Forget I even called okay? Thank you." I hung up and let my head rest in my hands, what had I done?

There was a knock at my door and I came off my balcony, opening it up to find my sister on the other side. I just stepped to the side so she could walk in before throwing myself on my bed and groaning.

"Well you sound perky. What happened?" Blair asked, moving to sit down next to me and run her fingers through my hair.

"I chose Carter, only it was the wrong choice and I tried calling Nate but some leggy, blonde bitch answered and now I don't know what to do." I lifted my head from my pillow for a moment to look at her.

"Wait? How did you know it was a leggy blonde?" Blair asked.

"She just sounded like it."

"You're ridiculous. Look, whoever she is she's a rebound anyway. Talk to Nate tomorrow, sort it all out. Want me to send my minions over there and make her life hell?" Blair offered.

"No it's okay, but thanks for offering." I laughed slightly. "You're probably right... I hope. I'll just talk to him tomorrow."

I sat up and kicked off my shoes and pushed my dress off my shoulders, I moved to get my nightie out of my closet. "Stay with me tonight? We can fall asleep to breakfast at tiffany's like we used to when we were younger?" I slipped my nightie on and gave Blair my best pout.

"Okay fine, but just so you know I'm giving up another game with Chuck for you." She borrowed one of my nighties and we got into bed.

"You two should really stop playing games. You're perfect for each other." I turned on the film and let my head fall into my pillow.

"Try telling him that." Blair rolled her eyes and we curled up next to each other. It wasn't long before both of us had fallen asleep with the sound of our comfort film in the background. Maybe my night didn't have the end I wanted it to have, but I had my sister and that was something special in itself.

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