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"hey harry. so today i wrote my will which was weird also it's something i never thought i would have to do four months before my twenty fourth birthday. but i did it"

"i was also asked by a doctor if i was active and i said no. no offence but you was always a lot more healthy than me,you are a footballer so being fit is in your job description however." she defended herself.

"remember that time when you forced me to play football with you,i was terrible. absolutely awful" she laughed at the memory.

"you dragged me out into the garden and forced me to try and dribble the ball past you. your not even a defender so i don't know why you was so big on defending against me..." she continued.

"you did cheat though you kept tickling me or rugby tackling me every time i got the ball. it was unfair even you have to admit it was unfair. your like five foot ten and i'm five four of course your going to get the ball off me"

"then i thought i would have a go at being a striker but that didn't work very well either did it" she laughed and harry smiled.

"i couldn't get the ball past you and it was horrible and then i kept falling over it wasn't good" she laughed.

"then just when things couldn't get any worse it started raining like pouring it down and you insisted that we carried on playing football. so we did" she said and harry was already blushing as he already knew what happened next that day.

"then we went in and I don't really want to know what happened next but we both do know.." she laughed slightly

"you was so happy when i agreed to have a game of football with you,you had that smile on you the one that makes your eyes glow and your dimples grow i don't think i could ever say no to that smile"

"it feels like i need to start letting go of you my theory was to make you hate me so it wouldn't upset you when i eventually go in seven days. but i can't do that i will need to know you love me for my last few minutes" she wiped her eyes.

"i have been thinking about what my last words can be and at first i was going to have it all jokey but the more i think about it i think i am just going to say goodbye that's really basic but i don't really know what else to say" the girl swallowed back and laughed slightly.

"also the next one i want you to watch with dele because it's kind of my good bye to him as well. so please sort that one out for me babe" macey spoke.

"when your buying shower gel you don't like anything that has mint in it and the shampoo and conditioner you like is the tresemmé one that's your favourite. i will see you tomorrow i guess i love you baby" she said before ending the video.

harry sat in the living room and wiped his eyes and tried not too think about macey but everywhere he looked was a memory of macey now he was alone the question came into his head of what would happen now?

have a double update as my new book is coming in 10
love you all

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