Chapter 1

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Stone's POV

Being the bad girl in school has its perks. Especially if you don't like to have people around you. To start it all off everyone is scared of you. And you can walk around like you own the place and no one will say anything. There are plenty more but who even cares.

"HURRY UP STONE." My brother yelled

"Ill be ready when I am." I put on my combat boots and grabbed my bag. I exited my room to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. After i rushed downstairs and out the door hoping into my blue jeep. I drove to the hell hole called school parking in my usual spot.

I got out of my car locking it. I walked into the school, everyone moving out of my way. I head strait into my first period class. I sat in the back corner as per usual. But before class started this jock sat beside me.

The fricken idiot sad beside me. He even had the nerve to talk to me. The jerk doesn't even know what he's doing to himself. The teacher called my name witch cut me out of whatever was happening.

"Stone, go to the office." Ms. Owen asked

"WHY? I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!!" I yelled at the teacher

"Oh but you did. Yesterday before you left, you spray-painted on a locker." I mumbled a curse but before leaving I turned to jerky jock guy

"Stop acting like a freakin smart ass or as if you own everyone in this school, cause news flash you don't."

"Didn't your parents teach you not to be rude?" He asked, he really had some nerve saying that to me

"Why don't you shut that pie hole of yours cause you know nothing about me." I replied as I got up and stormed out of the class slamming the door behind me.

I walled to the principals office and took a seat in a chair in front of his desk. He came in and once he saw me he became furious.

"I know what you're gonna say. Stone vandalism is not acceptable at this school, detention for a week. I got now can I please go?" I asked

"2 weeks now get out of here." He replied as I got back up and left. I hated that guy always so strict about the rules. Who even cares, at least it was a legit picture I spray painted on the locker not even just a random word.

I decided I wasn't gonna go back to the class. Instead I went to the vending machines trying to hack them. After a bit a finally got chocolate out of one. I settle with it and sat at a cafeteria table to eat it.

20 minutes later the bell for the end of class rang. I got up and left the cafeteria and went to my next class sitting at the back. You know the drill.

After two more classes it was finally time for lunch, where I could enjoy being alone no one bugging me. I grabbed the lunch Cory packed me and sat at one of the smaller tables to eat it.

But after a bit, my amazing paradise was put down the drain because jerky jock boy had invited himself to join me. I decided on ignoring him since I didn't want to bother.

"Hey." He spoke still not gonna talk to him
"Ignoring people is rude you know."

"So is invading privacy." I responded with a bit of attitude, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair

"Whats your deal?" He asked

"What makes you think that you can talk to me. No one talks to me." I said ignoring the question

"Well I am."

"Look, I don't care if you think your so good and special. I don't care if you're a jerk because you think its cool. Just stop talking to me, leave me alone and go join your football and cheerleader friends." I stated and then two other guys came and sat at the two last seats of the table.

"Since when do we sit with big time rebels?" A brown haired boy asked

"Is this another one of your jokes Keaton, I don't have time for them today." I said

"No its not one, I didn't plan on sitting here De-I mean Stone." Keaton replied ruffling his hair, I glared at him.

"You know her?" Jerky jock boy asked

"Er, yah."

"Anyways Im Jasper, and over there is Sam." Jasper said

"Are you guys gonna leave?" I asked annoyed

"Nope, its actually pretty cozy here." Sam answered as the other two nodded in agreement grabbing a bite of their food I grabbed my lunch and got up. I walked to where Keaton was sitting, he had turned around. I grabbed the top of his shirt and pulled him closer to me. I had a tight grip on him.

"Don't let your friends come near me again." I said and let him go but stood there with my arms crossed

"Alright," he responded as I walked away but he followed me until I stopped "Can I catch a ride with you after school." He asked as I nervously looked at Sam quickly


"My house." He replied

"Can't ask one of your friends or something?"

"All busy." He simply stated

"Well I have detention, so walk." I trued walking away but he followed again

"Ill just wait, thanks." He said and went back to his friends. I mumbled a curse again and went out of the school deciding to just ditch the rest of school and go to the cafe across the street.

I came back to school later on to catch my detention cause I really didn't want a double one. Im the middle of detention Keaton came running in.

"What is it Keaton?" The teacher asked

"The principal wants to see Stone." He answered

"Stone leave." I got up and went out the door strait to my car and got in

"A thanks would be nice." He said

"Whatever." I put in my sleeping with sirens cd and turned up the volume speeding away from the school. I dropped him off and drove back to my place to see that I was late, Sam was already there.

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