first kiss pt. 1

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These stories are mine, not based on real people.🍍

I laughed. "yea there must happen a miracle if i get my first kiss before I turn 14. I think I'm just gonna be a choosen virgin or something, would save a lot of explanation." My friends laughed and I joined them, not seeing the hurt in my eyes. On that time I didn't know he was staring at me but i could feel his eyes in my neck. I looked at my food, it looked gross and the cance was big that it was gross. "Is anyone actually going to eat this shit? because I'm not." and I shove my food at the plate from the boy in front of me. He was cute. He said nothing and just stared at me. He looked back at his plate and continued eating. He saw what I did, I knew he was dying of jealousy but I didn't care anymore.

"So" I said. "So what?" my friend asked and laughed. "Okay, a question, how would you guys get to know if a boy has a crush on you?"

"I don't know, probably by asking me out I guess." one of my friends said

"No that's way to boring and maintstream, he has to ask me out secretly and then kiss me so it will be our little secret." another friend said, already dreaming away. I sighed "romance" I mumbled so nobody could hear it. I wan't that kind of romance type with hearts and chocolat and stuff. But the worst of all, valentines day. Mostly I spent valentines day in my room watching the big bang theory or docter Who or something like that. avoiding every girls night and possibly-date.

"And you? How would you like it?" a friend asked. "What?" I asked, still sunken in my thoughts. "How would you like to get to know if a boy likes you?" now was the time I could annoy him, that was all what he deserved, no less, no more. "He has to kiss me, not asking me out or something. Kiss me in front of everyone, except family, that would be awkward." I said extra loudly so I was sure he woud hear it. "In front of everyone? That's weird, believe me, that's weird." she looked like my head was purple. "I'm weird too so thats good. But I want him to be a badboy, just for me. that'd be cool."

He heard it, i was 100% sure about it. The leader of our group came by. "Hello ladies and gentlemen. Did you all ate enough?" he looked at me and at the boy in front of me. I never ate my food here and they knew it. Food made for more than 50 people not in a restaurant is just gross, that's just how it is but they still didn't get it. "If you really cared you would let me order a pizza." I mumbled, just a bit to loud I guess because he started to tickle me. "No, no stop! Stop it! I ate all my food." I said half screaming half laughing. "Yeaa, yeaa ofcoourrseee." the leader said and walked away.

"Finally, we can leave." I stood up and walked to the door. "Why such a hurry?" some annoying 12 year old boy asked. "I have a busy life you know. Now go away." "Flynn she's mean to me!" the kid grabbed a sleeve from the closest leader. I rolled my eyes, "now, if you excuse me."  and I walked past. "Be back at 8 with shoes!" the leader called Flynn said before I closed the door.

We walked back to our tent. I was on someones back because everything was covered with snow and I wasn't wearing shoes because they totally ruined my feet while walking."MEREL!" a voice screamed. And not just a voice, his voice. "

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