the male wolf nodded while drying his snout with his towel, " oh yeah, today's friday.. i ought to get myself an egg sandwich. " he ignored his best friend, picking up his joggers and jack sulked,

' alright, how am i going to talk to him? '

the truth was, every member of 701 excluding the wolf had a meeting about legoshi.

[flashback has begun;]

collot began as they huddled together, " listen guys, we need to keep quiet about legoshi's truancy. don't ask any questions whatsoever! we don't need any conflict because...

they all barked in unison, " if legoshi makes a big deal about losing his virginity to y/n, we'll get hurt and if we don't make a big deal out of it, he'll probably get hurt! "

[flashback ended.]

but as for jack, he grew rather suspicious on how far legoshi and y/n had ever gone. the female was always around the wolf daily. she would take him off campus and would stay with her father or they'd stay in each other's dorm rooms.

all alone.

legoshi poked his girlfriend with his index finger, attempting to wake her up. " y/n. " he called out blankly who received a soft hum while she stirred in her small slumber.

" i think i have to carry her.. " he estimated, glancing at the golden boy that sweated intensely while he rapidly nodded and raised two big thumbs up.

jack secretly shot nasty glares at y/n while she slept in his best friend's arms.

while they all walked through the halls of the school campus buildings, legoshi held the small canine closely to his chest. a small yawn escaped her lips with her eyes slowly fluttering open, she rubbed her eyes as she tried to regain her vision.

she took notice she was being carried and barked, " put me down, i am not a fucking brat child. "

legoshi narrowed his eyes down to y/n that glared up at him which alarmed his tail to wag rapidly with excitement while he placed her onto her feet, " good, you're awake. "

jack shoved his arms folded to his chest with a pout, " you don't wag your tail for me like that. "

" aw, is goldie jealous? " the female snickered.

the labrador retriever huffed, snapping his neck to avoid her smug expression, " if i remember, today is my day with legoshi. "

she froze on their trail as she gave a cold stare to the ground muttering, " do you hate legoshi.. do you see this awkward idiot? " motioning her arms towards her boyfriend who stared intensely. " he's lost without me. "

y/n took a few steps back at least a good ten feet away from the canines, legoshi began to frantically turn side to side trying to find his partner but failed; slowly drifting his gaze into space.


" oi, see i told you. " the female canine called out, proving her point to the labrador retriever who sent nasty looks, " i get to stay. " she flashed her fangs victoriously while she watched the golden boy groan.

she released a laugh before shaking her head as she sent a wave towards the dog, " i'm joking, i have another class. "

" and i'm assuming i will see you tonight? " y/n questioned her boyfriend as she stepped to him and he reluctantly placed his hands onto her waist, helping her balance while she placed a kiss onto his lips. he nodded his head as confirmation once they parted.

jack glared at y/n and she held out her tongue.

the golden male fumed till she was out of sight, turning to the next hallway and he released a soft sigh. " ready to go? " retrieving a hum from his best friend.

𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 - legoshi.Where stories live. Discover now