Chapter 1

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Naru held her eyes low, averting her mother's fuming glare at her. She holds her white stuff bunny to her chest, afraid that it would be the next thing that they'll take from her.

"To think that I raised such insolent child in my house, who do you think you are? Stealing your brothers' things like you own it? You're lucky that you're my child or else...!" Kushina stopped halfway as she saw the child trembling.

She puts the belt at the table beside her and returns back at Naru.

"Did I raise you like this...?" Kushina asks, arms crossing on her chest.

"N-no..." You never raised me...

"If you ever steal again I will discipline you until you beg." Like you care...

At the side were her brothers, snickering at her dismay.

Kushina sighed and left to do her chores leaving only the three of them inside.

Menma steps front as he chuckles at her.

"Don't steal next time loser!" I didn't steal it.

"Yeah, what a dumb thief..." Hashi joined. I don't even want your stupid junk.

Naru did not even listen further at their rants and left the house. She stops her track and realizes that going to the street was not wise; going at the training was also a bad choice. Then that leaves her the forest.

Naru hugs her bunny close trying her best not to tear up. You're the only one that's been with me since the beginning. I don't want to lose you...

Naru began to walk her way towards the forest, carefully not taking people's attention to her. She did not want to have another problem. Not after her brothers' trick.

She noticed the fence but she ignores it as she was fascinated by the large trees.

"I-it's huge..." She cutely stammered.

The girl went inside, not caring about the dangers lurking around the corner.

She strolls and strolls whilst got bewildered by the beauty of the forest. Then, she notices two butterflies fluttering their wings. One was a shade of yellow beginning form down to up until it was orange.

Her favorite color...

Alongside the yellow butterfly was a blue shade like a deep blue sea until it was like a sky.

"Pretty." Naru started to chase them with one arm free, trying to catch them up.

She never noticed that the more she chases the butterflies the more she goes deeper.

She giggled joyfully as she chased them until she stops her track as she notices that they landed at the same flower. A yellow camellia...

She closely stares at it till her eyes got blinded by the flickering light. She hisses slightly, shielding her eyes from it. She moves to a closer shade to take a better look though also she was trying not to scare the butterflies away.

When she got a clearer view, she awed. It was magnificent. A small but perfect blue pond, surround by a small meadow of flowers.

She walks toward the pond and sat at the nearest by the borders between the land and the water.

She settles her bunny beside her and quickly giggles as she began to play at the waters. Making small waves and small splashes made her grin.

She never felt this happy before. It was the first time in her life that she had this kind of fun.

"HaHaHa, bunny look.... There's a flower floating on the water." Naru stares at her bunny and at the floating flower and then decided to reach. She groaned as she tries to reach it. It was tiring her whole arm.

She huffs, her arm still trying to reach it while her face was facing the water.

"Don't worry bunny; I'll give this flower to you once I reach it..." She said between her groans and tired. Seeing that she was chasing those butterflies all the way here and not to mention that she hiked her way up to her.

She smiled a little as she felt the petal upon her fingertips but then she stops.

Under her, yes its water, but... A shadow...? — Her reflection...?

No... It was a boy...

She heaves her body back up turning around to see if there was anybody else with her. But it was only her and her bunny. She looks down again and got startled a bit. There was no one but her but why is there a boy in the water.

Maybe she could try talking to him...? Pft, what a ridiculous idea, but still... She tries.

"H-hello...?" She waves. What's wrong with me? It's not like he will wave back at me.

"Hi..." The boy waved.

"See bunny, there's no way that boy will talk or wave." Naru smiled. Oh my gosh...! Did I hear it wrong...?

"For your information, I can talk and it's a courtesy to wave back."

"Aren't I right bunny? That boy can't talk—you talked...?! Y-you're alive!"

Naru stumbled backward as she holds bunny closer to her.

She snaps around, ready to run but suddenly a large tiger leaps in front of her. She yelps in fear, slowly taking small steps backward yet she stumbles upon a fist sized rock making her lose her balance.

Her small mistake made the tiger jump towards her. Naru closes her eyes, her breathe hitches, waiting for the impact and the pain but then hears a big splash of water.

She made a small gap open in her eyes, scanning around her area only to find no predator.

"Huh...? Just now—there was a tiger...!" Naru widely opens her eyes, nervously having a double check-up around her. Where did it go?

"I saved you, idiot. Be thankful." Naru got startled by the sudden voice and turns around and saw a miraculous magic.

"H-how did you do that...? Just what are you...?" Naru gulped down her anxietydeep down.

"Seriously, you keep asking unnecessary thing and I didn't even get a small gratitude."

From once where the calm waters were form a person, a boy...

As Naru was busy staring at the boy, the boy decided to snap her out.

"I'm Tobirama..." He smirks, seeing that she 'cutely' shakes her head from her thoughts.

"o-oh I'm Naru... Um... T-thank you for saving me..." She offered him a smile and a short meek bow.

"Cool name." He smiles.

And that's where their friendship began.

The abandoned girl meets the water boy.

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