Fight for Opening Games

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the Spartacus seasons or their characters. I only own my characters that I might add and my own story.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: PLEASE READ!! Finally uploading Untouchable!! I just posted all of My Future is in the Past just a bit ago and now I’m uploading this whole story onto the site!! As I mentioned in My Future is in the Past I’ll let the stories I currently have up sit for a bit so people can have a chance to read them while I work on and post my own personal fiction. That story is one I had up on a previous account but I’m going to go delete it and post it on this account. I have other stories I’ll eventually also post on this site both fanfictions and my own personal fictions. I’ll let the three stories I have up now sit for a few weeks to a month before I do anything with any of them. Please comment or PM me about which of the three you want to see the sequel for first and at the end of the sitting period the winner is the one I’ll work on!! Also for the BTS one tell me if it wins it’ll be the second version of it posted then you guys can vote based on both versions which ending you like more and that’ll determine the path for that sequel. 

One more thing, I changed some names to fit the time period. Here are the new names: 

Vernon= Varinius

Petunia= Petronia

Dudley= Duilius

Harry= Harius

Harry's I made completely on my own but the other three are legit names that I looked up. ENJOY!!



Chapter One: Fight For Opening Games

Batiatus' POV:

"The fights are particularly entertaining today," Lucretia spoke from my side.

"You'd enjoy them more viewed from the pulvinus., I replied forcing smile upon face at the little shit that sat in the pulvinus. "Fucking shit eater," I growled.

"Let Vettius preen like a woman," my wife whispered in ear, "you'll school him in the ways of men when Gannicus takes to the sands."

I groaned upon hearing her words. "Absent Tullius and the Magistrate to bear witness. What's the fucking purpose?" I returned gaze to wife then. "One man in today's games, one only, and the seat sneeding to impress stand empty as Vettius' fucking head., I growled turning gaze to see if a glimpse could be caught of those whose gazes were most important.

"Varinius and his family shall be arriving in but moments." Lucretia reminded causing gaze to turn to her. "He holds great standing in the eyes of the Senate. Should his gaze land upon Gannicus in the sands perhaps his tongue can bear the tale to the Magistrate's ears." I blinked at my wife before laughing and kissing her.

"Brilliant as you are beautiful!"

"Only the best for my husband." She said with a smile.

I smiled back. "He has seen Gannicus many times within our Villar and but once upon the sands. Should the fight be to the fat shit's pleasure it may indeed push us even closer to the Senate." Lucretia smiled and turned gaze once more to the men upon the sands.

Shortly after a man fell to the ground footsteps behind caused gaze to turn. "Solonius! What news?" I asked pulling the man into an embrace.

"Tullius and the Magistrate were delayed with pressing business but arrive shortly,” I growled then looked to the man once more.

"What of Varinius?" Solonius smirked.

"They are but steps behind mine,” I smirked at my friend before moving to give room for the fat shit and his family upon their arrival.

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