"So it's like a job fair for aspiring witches? Cool." Luz said as she turned to Eda. "We should check it out."

"Not on your life, kid." Eda said as Luz lost her smile and frowned at her. "Covens may seem all friendly and club like, but it's nothing more then a system used to keep people in line and stunt their magical growth and independence."

Eda slammed her fists into the table to make her point but then saw the upset look on Willow's face since she and Gus grew up following this "system used to keep people in line."

"You know you sound like a crazy conspiracy person, right?" Luz commented as Eda turned in a huff.

"So what? And no judgement to anyone who does follow this system." Eda said as she looked down. "Besides, I haven't been in a coven since I was with Li-"

Eda stopped herself from finishing, not wanting to reveal too much about her childhood.

"With who?" Luz asked as Eda tried to say something else to throw her off but drew a blank. "Is this why you don't want to go to the Covention? Because of this past you have with someone?"

"It's none of your business." Eda said to Luz.

"Well, if you won't tell me, then I'll go to the Covention myself and find the answers." Luz said as she tried to leave.

"You are not going to that Covention! Do you have any idea how many guards are gonna be there?" Eda said as she put a hand on her shoulder. "For all we know, Wraith put out an arrest for you after you kicked his head in!"

"Then why haven't I been caught yet? And besides, I can take care of myself." Luz said as she pushed Eda's hand off her shoulder, right before Eda stood in front of her.

"As your magic teacher and the owner of the house you live in, you are not going to that Covention!" Eda said as she put her finger in Luz's face.

Luz put on a blank face as she stared at the finger and back to Eda, a bit annoyed at how difficult she was being right now.

"Eda, I am warning you only once." Luz said in a tone that made Willow and Gus sweat a bit. "Get out of my way or there will be hell to pay."

"Ha! You think you scare me? Sure those kickboxing moves are something, but I have years of magical experience and spells at my beck and call!" Eda said as she leaned closer to Luz face. "What can you do to me?"

Luz chuckled a bit before pulling out her Azura book and handing it to King, who was now wide awake and standing on the table.

"King, read aloud please." she said with a smirk.

King opened the book to a random page and then began to read it's "flowery" nonsense.

""You shall not shant doeth, no more harm!" Azura calleth out!"" King read as Eda's face went blank as they all listened to the demon reading.

"So flowery, so terrible." Eda said as she began to walk around Luz, wanting get far away from it.

Luz didn't let her as she kick her by the side of her knees, making Eda fall to her knees as Luz but her in a headlock with both arms.

"Nope. You will stay and listen." Luz said as King kept reading, making Eda squirm from both the grappling hold and the reading.

"GR. GRR! Stop it, stop it, stop!" Eda said as she had enough. "You can go to the Covention, just stop this garbage."

"Okay, I will...but you have to come with." Luz added, making her turn to her head to Luz.

"I what?!" Eda asked.

Luz Noceda, The FighterWhere stories live. Discover now