"Cos am interested."

I scoffed out loudly and turn away, "It isn't_"

"Shut up!" She raised her voice, "Now speak." She commanded.

Her eyes were into mine and that reminded me that I should obey her or else she would send me away. "What do you want to hear?" I asked her with a sigh escaping my nose.

"Name, age, work." She released a smile and tried to cheer me up.

I roll my eyes and spoke up. "Handover Jason, 23, detective."

"Handover?" She repeats and laugh.

Yeah, funny at first but not funny.

She stopped laughing after seeing my reaction. "How come did you guys get to know each other?"

Am not in the mood for these, I need to forget those memories. "Blaise, I need to take a nap." I excused myself without her calling me back or begging me, she actually saw my mood and thanks to my mood.

I got into my room and start to cry, I miss Jason, I love him...I love him with all my heart and why did I left him? Am so stupid to realize that in the beginning. He loves me and I love him. I need to contact him, I need to hear his voice, his caring deep voice.

I picked up my phone with my shaky hands. I looked for Jason's number in my contact list. I found it as a drop of tears fell on my phone.

I changed my mind on calling him, he's the one supposed to call me cos he cheated on me. I wipe the fallen tear off my phone as my thumb hits his number.

No, I can't call him.

"Alas, Olivia, you called." I heard his voice through the phone, the one who cheated on me, the one who doesn't love me nor like me.

"Jason, you lied to me and used me," my voice start to rise due to the anger boiling inside of me, "You didn't love me, all you wanted was to get more information about my life_"

"Olivia, stop this nonsense, I love you, and before I loved you I cared for you and I never allowed anything to happen to you."

"Shut up!" I try to get rid of my anger but I shout, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Until I hit my head on the wall that was when I got rid of the anger. I got down on my knees and start to weep. I never said I hated Jason but he cheated on me, he made the anger, the demon in me rise and that's bad so he's seeing the consequences. "What do you want?"

"What do you want cos you called."

I clencthed my fists and jaws. "What I want is that I want us to break up, let's stop seeing each other and let's stop loving each other. Jason, I swear to God, I never loved you and never will I love you this bastard." I hung up on him.

I called him a bastard, yeah, he's a bastard and a...scumbag who doesn't care about a girl's feelings but hurt it.

"Dearie, who's a bastard?" I heard Blaise's voice echoes in the corridor.

I paced back and forth. "Acting Blaise." I lied to her and I knew that it was bad but I have to do so if I don't want to bring up any issue.

"Okay dearie, stay cool cos am out to the grocery's shop so better wash the dishes before I arrive." She informed me with a commanding tone.

She talking like she's my mum or something, she commands me just because she accepted me into her home and she has been using that as a good excuse.

"Whatever, just don't stay late out there." I shout back.

"Thanks dear, bye." He voice soon fade away and there was silence, grief silence like I was the only one at home and am the only one at home.

I washed the dishes and settled down joblessly, I have nothing else to do than to watch the same Graveside Underground again and again, all over. Though it's a interesting movie full of suspense and I don't like a movie full of suspense cos whenever you watch them, you can't watch them again, it will be boring cos you've known what will happen next.

I can't just sit here and so nothing, I can take a glance of each of the room.

I stood up and walked through the corridors until I got to my room so I traced Blaise's room.

I entered her room and glanced around the gorgeous room with a well furnished items. Everyone's room are always gorgeous whenever I see them.

I love the pink floral colour paint that was shinning, and as a matter of fact, her room was smelling so nice and cool than mine.

My eyes caught a glimpse of a portrait. I took it and stared at the picture, wow, the picture so beautiful, it was when Blaise was a toddler, holding her parents hand with a smile each on the face.

"And what are you doing here?"

I turned to the direction and saw Blaise standing with a bag in her hand and I could guess that she just arrived from the grocery store. I was so shocked, she might be annoyed and mad at me for entering her room like Jason did. "Ah, you're back." I pushed the portrait to it's position on the table with my hands behind me.

"Yep, you haven't answered_"

The portrait fell down, *Smack!

"What's that?" She  eagerly walked to me and pushed me away and took a glance of the fallen portrait. "What da...." She picked up the broken pieces of the portrait. "You just break my portrait, my baby." She whined and start to cry.

I moved backwards until I got to the door before holding the handle and taking my race out of the room.

"FUCK YOU!" I heard her scream. Fuck me? Yeah, fuck me, I deserve it, all.


Ever since I ran out of Blaise's room, my mind wasn't at rest, I felt so guilty and Blaise hasn't come out of her room since the past three days.

I prepared some cookies with a glass of orange juice. I knocked Blaise's door.

"What!" She called and I could hear her voice crack.

"Am sorry Blaise."

"Just leave me, I am not angry at you...I just want to recover from this...I promised my late parents that I would never do anything to break this portrait but.." Her voice cracked as she burst into tears.

"Can I come in?"


"You don't need to hurt yourself, there's always a cure for a disease so there would be a solution to this problem." I try to console her.

"What solution? Dispose it? Try to console me or try to drug me?" She sobbed quietly with her face extremely red.

I let out a sigh and pat her back, making circles on her back. "There's a solution." I told her and picked up the picture from it's portrait and joined it together. "This solution."

She scoffed and looked away. "That can't work."

"How are you sure?"

"Coz this isn't the first time doing this, I already joined it together times without number but can't do."



"Stop lying," I raised the picture, "Just look and obey." I instructed her and brought out a gum from her drawer.

"How do you know that it's there?" She asked.

"Just know that it's in every drawer." I chuckled and start to press the gum on each side of the photo before putting it together. "It need some fresh air." I told her and took it outside as I hung it on the dryer.

Blaise followed me outside with some cookies in her mouth. "This cookie taste so great." She took a sip of the orange juice and sighed. "Am starving."

I rolled my eyes and add a smile to it. "So funny you."

Guys, hello once again, I know you are all reading this story. To keep on reading, click on the orange star to vote.

Yeppie-yeppie, bye, loving you Guys.

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