So, he could only internally gape at you when you pulled yourself into into the even smaller space and sat right up beside him with your arms loosely folded over your own chest,

    "Fine," came sour words from your lips as you shut the door with a metallic click resounding through the box, it was very silent and eventually your eyes drifted to outside the window. You watched students of all different years walking about, some girls were walking side by side laughing before disappearing from your limited square of vision. You sighed softly whenever you saw a pair or group of friends like that, it was like a sudden reminder that you wouldn't ever see them again except for Robyn who would visit you some time far far away from now. You made one acquaintance, make it clear that he wasn't a friend, at least not yet and maybe never.

    "Charming," the incoherent mumble slipped from your mind and out of your mouth before you could stop it, not like you cared if Draco thought you were crazy. You were just about to move away from the window when a pair of dark eyes met your own bright (E/c) ones. Pansy blinked several times before she spotted the mop of blonde hair sitting in the background, you waved slightly with an attempted smile. To your surprise she smiled back, waving at you slightly more enthusiastically than the first time you two met. You glanced behind you to make sure Draco hadn't waved at her first but he seemed lost in thought like you often were, you glanced back to see Pansy linked to two of her friends. A blonde, recalling her name was Amber and a red head you didn't recognize but it didn't seem to matter since they were gone as quickly as they appeared. You were beginning to wonder if you had just imagined them. 

    A creak from metal and wood colliding came from the device as it started to move forward, slowly at first before picking up it's speed.

    Draco already knowing the ride was fairly short, spoke up quickly to avoid his proposition being interrupted,

    "I'll make you a deal," He said, his eyes still cast outside at the blur of color rushing past his vision as you turned around slowly, hand pressing against the soft fabric that lined the seats. Your eyes narrowed, you could have spat something like 'I knew it, you little bastard' or something else but instead you said,

    "What kind of deal?" Your wary feelings forgotten as soon as the words shot through the gap between your teeth and into the open air. The least you could do was listen to him,

    "If you get into Slytherin. . ." He paused, tapping his chin with an index finger, "I'll. . .take you under my wing, so to speak," he was really choosing his words carefully now, huh?

    "And why would I agree to that?" was the only thing that you could think to say, what was he getting at?

    "Because, Slytherin isn't exactly the kindest of houses. It is the best but everything has it's short comings," He shrugged, "You really would be the fresh meat,"     

    You gulped, looking away to hide your paling face. "Go on?" 

    "As I was saying, /if/ you get into Slytherin you won't have to worry about being the odd one out but if you don't, you're on your own," Draco shrugged again, smirking triumphantly when you looked to your lap. 

    In all honesty, it sounded like a good deal. No harm done if you accepted it, maybe even a safe guard if you did. Slytherin sounded a bit like Cattus to you though, so perhaps you were leaning towards his half of the deal.

    "Agreed," You found your voice again, pushing all doubts away and sticking your hand out for him to shake. His mouth twitched as he took your hand. 

    "Oh, look, just in time too," He said, letting your hand drop limply to your side as you stared at the huge Victorian style castle in front of you. Your jaw dropped,

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