"Because when Santa comes tonight we're supposed to leave him cookies to eat so he can leave presents for you and Bubu." I say and she shrugs and starts grabbing some cookies then placing them on the plate.

"Good job princess. Now Santa will have a bunch of energy to leave presents for everyone!" Max says kissing her as she yawns and rubs her eyes.

"You tired baby girl?" I ask her and she shakes her head no. "You wanna watch a movie then?" I ask her and she nods.

"Okay, lets brush your teeth and get you in pajamas and we can put a movie on." Max says and she smiles and nods as she lays her head against Max's shoulder. I follow Max upstairs with Ezra against my hip and we both get them dressed in their cute Christmas pajamas then we brush their teeth. Ezra only has two teeth, but we want him to be used to the toothbrush by the time he has more so we kind of just let him do it, but he really just sucks on the toothbrush the whole time. We quickly brush their teeth then go back downstairs with them and we put on a Christmas movie for them to watch. Zara cuddles against me while Max sits Ezra in his lap as I lay my head against his shoulder. It doesn't take long for both the kids to fall asleep against us and that's what I figured would happen. Max and I end up bringing the kids upstairs to lay them down. After that Max and I walk to a guest room that we kept all the kids presents and we bring them down and put them all under the tree. Max then brings down a doll house that he has to build and I smile and start putting together a walker that we got Ezra since he's starting to stand on his own.

"Why is there so many pieces to this thing?" Max asks as he reads the directions and looks all around him at the pieces and I laugh.

"It can't be that hard baby." I say and he glares up at me but I give him a innocent smile.

"You're lucky you're cute." He says and I blush and finish building Ezra's walker. By the time I'm done, Max is only halfway done so I decide to help him and he was right, it was pretty difficult but after a while we finished.

"That wasn't so bad." I say sarcastically after he moves the doll house by the fire place and Max looks over at me and I laugh.

"Yeah, whatever." He says and I smile and stand up and wrap my arms around him.

"Can I give you your present?" I ask him and he looks down at me.

"It's not Christmas though?" He says more as a question and I giggle.

"I wouldn't want to give you this present in front of the kids or our family." I say and he furrows his brows. I kiss his cheek softly before grabbing his hand and leading him up to our room.

"Stay here." I say shoving him slightly on the bed and he nods with a smile. I turn and walk into our closet and close the door. I go in the back of one of my drawers and pull
out the lacy red lingerie I bought last month since I was going to surprise Max with it in Australia, but then I saw that one girl in Max's room and then everything happened with Zara so I never had the chance to wear it and I thought tonight would be perfect. Plus, I'm kind of horny so it will be a win win. I put the lingerie on and tie it at the back before I grab my cream colored silky robe and I put that on top. I tie it in front before I take my hair out of its bun and I fluff it up. I then take a deep breath and walk out of the closet.

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Forever and Always (Sequel to It's You and Me)Where stories live. Discover now