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Demi's POV

It's now the next day and I'm just wrapping up my photo shoot for Bustle Magazine before I go home and quickly finish packing. I haven't told the kids we're going to see Max yet, and I decide to just tell them when we're about to land because I know if I tell Zara she will be really excited and not want to sleep. Max, my security guard, is going to come with me so I have some help through the airport and on the plane with the kids. Plus, Australia is his home so I know he wouldn't hesitate to come when I asked.

The shoot for Bustle went really well and I loved how all the pictures came out. It won't come out until next month, but I still can't wait to show Max the pictures. I also did an interview for Bustle and we talked mainly about balancing mom life and work life. It was all so much fun and towards the end of the shoot, the people that work for Bustle walked out and handed me two gift bags for each of the kids that were filled with toys and clothes. It was all super cute and I couldn't wait to show them when I got home. I left the studio at around two pm which would leave me a few hours to finish packing and getting the kids ready. When I got home I walk in and see both the kids in the living room with my mom as they watch a movie in the couch.

"Mommy!" Zara says when she sees me as she stands up on the couch and reaches her arms out for me.

"Hello my beautiful girl." I say picking her up and kissing her. "Did you have fun with Glam-Ma?" I ask her as I settle her against my hip and walk around the couch so I can sit down.

"Yeah!" She says laying her head against my chest as she brings her attention back to the Cinderella movie that's playing. I smile then say hi to Ezra who crawls over to me.

"Hi handsome." I say kissing his forehead and he smiles up at me.

"How was your shoot?" My mom asks me.

"It was good. I can't wait until it comes out." I say and she nods. We talk for a couple more minutes about random things and even Maddie's pregnancy.

"Mama. Shh." Zara says putting her hand over my mouth and I chuckle and kiss her hand.

"I'm sorry baby girl." I tell her as I giggle. "Alright I'm gonna go finish packing. Do you mind staying down here with them?" I ask standing up from the couch.

"Not at all." My mom answers and I smile thankfully and walk upstairs. I packed the kids last night after they went to sleep, so I just need to pack myself. It takes me about forty minutes to completely finish packing myself so I move on to packing some stuff for the kids on the plane. I have a tv and a bunch of movies on the private plane so they can do that for a little while, but I also pack some snacks, a coloring book and crayons for Zara, and a few toys to distract them. I also pack both the kids blankets and Ezra's pacifier since that's how he falls asleep and then a couple bottles for Ezra in case he wants some milk. When I'm done I bring everything downstairs and I see my mom in the kitchen with Zara while Ezra is in his walker cruising around the island.

"What are you doing princess?" I ask Zara as I walk up to her as she sits on top of the counter.

"Cookies!" She says pointing to the bowl near her and I chuckle at her cuteness.

"You're making cookies?" I ask and she nods.

"Yeah!" She says and I laugh and kiss her.

"They look yummy. Can mommy have some later?" I ask her and she nods.

"Yeah." She says and I smile and continue watching as she helps my mom make cookies.

"Mom, I know I didn't ask you, but can you watch the dogs?" I ask her and she nods.

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