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58.4K 826 1.8K

(A/N, they get together quick by the way. So just pretend that like they both fell in love at first sight or something stupid like that)

After a long day of working, you were finally able to head on home. You occupy yourself day to day by working at an office building, nothing to special. However each day was long, the offices were hot and a lot of back pain was accumulated. Undoubtedly it was cold outside, you were wearing shorts and a short sleeved shirt which was the most horrible combination not only for the weather, but but just overall. The weather in your hometown Brighton was a lot warmer than it currently was, hence why you dressed so warm. However British weather especially in the cold was so unpredictable, blame the French.

Even though it was cold you still had to walk home, you didn't have a car as unfortunately you could afford one with the job you had. The one bedroom studio apartment you lived in was hard enough to pay for, all because your job paid oh so well... You only had around £200 a month to pay for essentially, which sounds quite hefty but after food and hygiene products was bought, it was not a lot.

The sun finally set, due to it being Summer it took a lot longer than usual. A stroll along the beach was an idea you didn't think through, but an idea you decided to pursue anyways. The sky looked breathtaking, whilst the sun was setting the colours blended with one another, hints is pink danced around the bright orange and yellow that ruled the skies. Around this time Brighton beach was full of couples, which was embarrassing for you because even at 21 years old, you still hadn't even had a relationship.

A good thirty minutes passed and you arrived home, not bothered to make any food you hop onto your chair and start to stream Minecraft. You didn't know many other streamers on Minecraft, you knew some, but you didn't know them personally. You averaged around 16k that stream, which was unusual. Making around £320 in donations and subscribers. Which was perfect for you as you needed new clothing, new everything to be fair. After four hours of streaming you said goodbye to chat and logged everything off.

The next day arrived, it was raining. Which wasn't much of a surprise for where you lived. You headed to the kitchen to make some toast as you really had no other food in the fridge. Heading over to collect the butter you picked it up to see that it was out, there was no butter. There was absolutely nothing in that fridge of yours, how sad.

Plain toast it was.

You placed the bread into the toaster and waited. You waited and waited. "Why is it taking so damn long." You mumbled to yourself, grunting after being so impatient and heading over to it. You picked up multiple pieces of metal and stuff which looked like it should be inside the toaster, not outside. "What the fuck this can't be good," you say. You then heard a slow buzzing noise, and within seconds a quick crash, the toaster had broken, everything in your stupid apartment was breaking, that's what tou get for buying off ebay."Well that isn't good.." You then again move over to the fridge and see the only other thing you had was red peppers.

"I mean.. i'm sure it's not too bad" You chop the pepper up and place it in a tub so that you could transport it with you. The amount of pepper you chopped up should last you the whole day and dinner for when your in your office.

You chucked on a hoodie and joggers and headed off to work, it was 8:20. You start work in 10 minutes, you sigh. The only solution was for you to run in the rain.

It was chucking it down, which wasn't unusual but definitely uncomfortable to run in. In what felt like a few minutes, 8:30 had arrived, you were indeed late. You saw the building except it'll take around ten minutes to arrive there. So you ran faster.

Finally you had made it to the office. Looking down at the time on your phone you walk into a tall man, whilst eating your peppers which then flew all over the floor. That's your food for the day GONE, because of some man who definitely was at fault for you walking into him.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry"

Eyes for You (Wilbur Soot x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now