Part 6

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Recap:  Then my phone rang, It was Harrison


Tom's POV 

Harrison didn't waste any time once I picked up the phone, " I've found her! Y/N! At least I think so..., She has Y/E/C colored eyes, right and Y/H/C coloured hair?" he blurted out not letting me get a word in edgewise.

I was too stunned to say anything , my mind was spinning with questions.  How had Harrison managed to find Y/N!? He hadn't even met the girl, yet he had managed to find her before I had even eaten breakfast! " I'm coming " was all I said ,  before I took off in the direction of Harrisons Gran's house. 

*** time skip to in front of Harrison's grandmother's house***   pls excuse me being exceptionally lazy ;-)

I stood in front of the stout bungalow that belonged to Harrison's Grandmother. I played all the ways that me entering that door could go, each one making me feel worse and worse. After a few moments for me to level my thoughts,  I rang the doorbell, it was harrison who opened the door, but i didn't let him get a word in before I pushed passed him. 


I heard the doorbell ring and Tom walked in, he immediately ran over to me.  " are you ok? where did you go last night ?" he asked. 

I was too ashamed for worrying this incredibly caring guy, and couldn't muster up any words, so i just sat there staring a my converse that were caked in mud. He must have taken pity on me because he relented and just sat beside me on the settee. we had dropped into an uncomfortable silence that had seemed to swallowed the house, i was still examining my shoes. Tom broke the unbearable quiet saying " How about  we go back to mine? Everyone is anxious to meet you, and Paddy has an apology for you." 

I muster a little nod,  that wasn't good enough for Tom who put his index finger under my chin and lifted it until i was staring into the warmth os is chocolaty brown eyes. " I'm not mad at you Y\N. There is no need to be afraid of me or my family, we won't hurt you." he told me, a few tears had escaped and were trickling down his face but he held eye contact with me.  

His big sad brown eyes broke what ever resolve I had and I gave him a hug, initially it must have shocked him as he became rigid so i started pulling away but before I could he returned the hug. we sat there for what felt like forever just enjoying one another's warmth, until we heard someone clearing their throat a pulled a part blushing profusely, it was just Harrison. " I guess we are just going to head back to mine, mate. Thank you again for finding her, Haz." Tom said.

With that we headed off but not before Tom and Harrison completed some kind of odd hand shake.


hey guys! sorry for the long hiatus! have fun and don't for get to to vote and comment!


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