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Y/n stood at the door of Lister and Rimmer's sleeping quarters, the Cat stood next to her, Lister was on his bed, and Rimmer was posing for Kryten to paint him. One of the many demands Rimmer had given the poor android.

"Leave It alone Lister, it enjoys the tasks I give it. It makes it happy." Rimmer had told Lister after listening to him mimic Kryten.  Y/n sighed rolling her eyes.

"Drop dead Rimmer." She told the hologram, trying to defend Kryten.

"Already have done."  Rimmer replied, rather smugly.

"Encore." Lister chimed in.

Kryten ignored the commotion, continuing with the painting. "You'd never get a cat to be a servant. You ever seen a cat return a stick? 'Hey man! You threw the stick, you got get it yourself. I'm busy! You wanted the stick so bad, why'd you throw it away in the first place?'" Cat ranted, causing Y/n and Rimmer to give him a weird look.

"Kryten you never got a thing from those movies I showed you, did you?" Lister asked Kryten

"Uh, what movies?" Rimmer asked sceptical.

"Mr. David was kind enough to take me to see The Wild Ones, Easy Rider and Rebel Without A Cause." Kryten had explained.

"I thought it might do him some good. Fat Chance. In the middle of Marlon Brando's rebel speech, he gets out a brush-o-matic and starts doing my lapels!" Lister complained.

"What? Really? That's like the best part of the film!" Y/n stated. Lister gave her a questioning look. "Witch was, not the point you were making." She continued.

"Well, now maybe you'll learn Lister, there's a natural order to things in life. Some people give orders, others obey. That's the way it's always been, that's the way it always will be." Rimmer boosted.

"You know Rimmer, if it were possible to slap you, I kick you down the corridor." Y/n said casually.

Kryten took a step back from the painting he was doing. "Well, I've finished Mr. Arnold, sir." He told Rimmer.

"Excellent Kryten!" Rimmer said joyfully as he went to take a look at the painting. "What, are you doing?" Rimmer had asked sternly upon seeing the painting.

"I umm... I think I'm, umm... I'm rebelling." Kryten replied, causing everyone to watch the encounter with deep interest.

"Rebelling?" Rimmer asked, his voice angry.

Kryten began to stammer. "I, uh, sort of... I think that's what I'm doing."

"You are rebelling?"


"What are you rebelling against?"

Kryten threw down the paintbrush and board with the different coloured paints down onto the floor. He then started to intimidate Marlon Brando. "What do you got? Dinosaur breath, molecule mind-" Kryten picked up a large bowl of soup that was on the table and threw it onto Rimmers bed.  "Smeg-for-brains. I need your bike." He told Lister.

"You got it!" Lister told him joyfully before high fiveing Kryten.

"Swivel on it, punk!" Kryten said to Rimmer, giving him the finger. As he left he passed Y/n, giving her a peck on the cheek causing her to blush a deep red.

Rimmer glared at Kryten as if he was about to explode. Kryten however, had already gotten onto Lister's bike and driven off.

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