Jealousy; The Ugliest emotion. Pt. 2 (Cat.)

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~Previously ~

The guys didn't seem to notice Y/n as they continue fighting one another. Y/n decided to take her pistol and shot it into the air to try and get the guy's attention. There was a stunned silence from the guys. "I said, what are you all doing?"

~And now~

There was another short silence, as Y/n crossed their arms appearing, rather obviously, unamused. "Well?" They asked, raising an eyebrow. just as suddenly, there was an outburst of stammering between all the guys. Y/n's face changed to one of confusion, "Alright, alright, one at a time!" They had yelled, trying to be heard over the guys. 

Cat his put away his pistols, though he still glared at the others. Y/n looked at him. "Darling?" They asked.

"Darling?!" The three other men explained in unison.

"Yeah, if you had choose to listen," Cat began as he walked over to Y/n, "then you'd know we had started dating a few days ago." He finished with his arm around them.

Y/n had leaned into his touch, kissing his cheek, "what do you mean?"

Cat looked down, at them seeing as he was taller, "They were fighting over you."

Y/n sighed, unamused. Looking towards the other men. "Really?" They asked, unimpressed. They had rolled their eyes, taking Cat out of the game with them leaving the other men to their own devices as they had decided to spend the rest of the day together back in Y/n's sleeping quarters, cats head rested on their lap as they softly read to him.

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