Truth For Poppy

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Koko-Hello Everyone. I'm back. I'm Koko

Poppy-I'm Poppy

Branch-And I'm Branch

Koko-Ok so today Poppy you have a truth from Sandrastar1. It says when was the first time you've ever been in Branchs bunker and have you ever had a sleepover in there.

Poppy-The first time I've ever been in Branchs bunker was when we got attacked by the Bergen chef and he willingly let me in.

Branch-yeah I couldn't let you get hurt and if you got taken I would never forgive myself.

Koko-awwww your just a sweetheart

Poppy- and as for second question, yes I've had plenty of sleepovers in the bunker

Koko-Doing what

Branch-is that really for you to know

Koko-judging by your attitude theres things you don't want me to know

Poppy-well anyway thats all for today

Koko-hey thats my line but bye everyone

Branch-see you next time and remember send more truths and dares.

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