Dare For Poppy

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Get ready for some tears.

Koko-Hello welcome to the show, I'm Koko

Branch-I'm Branch and Poppy said she was running late

Poppy-I'm here

Branch-Poppy are you ok your eyes are all puffy and red

Poppy-yeah I'm fine

Branch-no your not, please tell me whats wrong

Poppy-T-today's the d-day my m-mom died *cries*

Branch-oh Poppy I'm so sorry *hugs and kisses her*

Koko-Do you wanna skip the show today

Poppy-No, the show must go on

Koko-Ok well you have a dare today Poppy and its to host a big party really simple

Poppy-I can do that in my sleep

Branch-Ok before you go do you wanna tell me about your mom

Poppy-ok sure. Dad says I get my pink color from her. She used to sing to me every night.

Branch-what song was it

Poppy-It was Memories. It was my favorite song, if I hear it now I'd probably lose it

Koko-remember you have a party to plan by sundown

Poppy-right I'll get on that

Time skip

Branch-wow Pops this is a great party

Poppy-thanks *looks sad*

Branch-*puts hand on shoulder*it'll be ok

Poppy-if you don't mind, I'm going to sit over there

Branch-umm ok

Branch-Koko, Poppy is definitely not ok

Koko-I know I'm worried about her too. But she'll get over it.

The party was in full swing, the music was playing, trolls were dancing everything was perfect except one thing.

*song plays* Here's to the one that we got

Cheers to wish that your here, but your not

The second Poppy heard the song she ran, she didn't know where but anywhere to escape that song.

Branch-Poppy wait

Branch and Koko searched for Poppy for a solid hour until they found her sitting alone on a tree branch.

Branch-Poppy oh thank goodness your ok

Koko-oh Poppy I'm so sorry you had to go through that

Poppy-*crying* its ok Koko its not your fault. I don't wanna talk about it anyway. *turns grey*

Branch-no Poppy. Please

Poppy-I'm sorry Branch

Branch-*starts singing True Colors* a/n:I'm not gonna type ot out this chapter will be too long

Poppy-thank you Branch*hugs him*

Branch-Anytime Princess. So tell me about your mom.

Poppy-ok, she had pink skin like mine and she was super good at baking and scrapbooking. She had an amazing voice that could calm even the fusseist trolling.

Branch-she sounds great

Poppy-yeah I miss her a lot. The last time I saw her was the great escape from the troll tree.

Koko-*hugs Poppy* hey it'll be alright and if you ever wanna talk about her you have 2 friends right here

Poppy- thanks you guys. Wanna go back to the party


Poppy-*kisses Branch*I love you

Branch-love you too

Koko-*whispers* Guy Diamond ots happening

GD-*whispers* Broppy

Koko-ok thats all for today gotta get back to the party

Branch-thanks for watching

Poppy-bye everyone

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