7. Turbulence

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When your alarm clock stirred you the next morning, you could still feel his arms warm around you. You moved your head as you felt those same hair stir behind your neck. He pulled his head back onto the pillow as you rolled over to look at him.

As you saw his eyelids flutter open, you watched a smile grow on his face. But it wasn't just happiness, it was almost lust? But you felt that same smile grow on your face. That's when you felt him lean in to kiss you once more. It was soft, but you could feel the lust from his smile, not just the happiness.

When he pulled away, you searched for his eyes. You began to whisper to him, "thanks for staying last night, I really couldn't be alone."

"Wouldn't want to be anywhere else."


The rest of the case felt like it wouldn't end, even if it had only been one extra night. They finally did catch the killer. He had only managed to kill one other person on his spree, but at least he was finally behind bars. They predicted suicide by cop but this killer had already proven most of their predictions wrong.

It had been Spencer's morning the day the plane took off. Him bringing you that muffin had been the only smile you felt that day. You had spent that last night alone, so anywhere Spence had been laying the night before seemed 20 degrees colder. You were left to your own devices and didn't manage to sleep much. When you stirred around 2am, you wanted to fall asleep in his arms again, but you couldn't bring yourself to knock on his door when you stood in front of it.

The least you could say was that night was restless, so when Hotch announced an 8pm take off, you were hoping to finally catch some sleep.

You had drove to the air strip with Emily and JJ. Spence was supposed to come along but he told everyone he wanted to make a detour and go on his own. You all shrugged it off. You would have gone with him on his detour, but you didn't quite have the energy.

When you got to the air strip, Spence was already there. You guessed his leaving 20 minutes before everyone else made up for it. Emily and JJ boarded the plane but you walked over to Spencer.

"So did you enjoy your detour?" you were almost yelling, trying to make sure he could hear you over the 10 ft space you were walking to close and the airplane engine.

When you finally got to the car he arrived in, you stopped and propped up your suitcase. When he finally turned around and had you within an arms reach, he began to explain his detour. "Well, you see, I noticed this morning you were sleepy, and when my coffee and muffin didn't work, I figured I would try something else. I haven't seen you smile more than once today and I miss seeing it."

Listening to him tell you how much he loved to see you smile made you do nothing but that. You felt yourself look away as the smile pulled on your cheeks.

"There it is!" he pointed at you. "But I did get one other thing." He began opening the car door to grab a box. You knew that box. He brought it to you every other morning.

"You got me a doughnut?" you questioned, feeling your expression only grow.

"Yes, I did. Two chocolate with sprinkles. but we have to hurry up and eat them before Rossi and Hotch get here. I didn't get them any, and you know how angry that Itlian can get," he handed you one and you both started eating them.

Of course, you'd managed to get icing on your face once again. This time Spencer didn't even bother telling you, he just brought his hand to your face to wipe it off himself. You'd missed his touch, and after he pulled his hand back, your skin tingled where it was.

As you both stood there finishing your doughnuts, it brought you back to the first day you brought doughnuts to work. It was over 6 months ago now, and in that time, you managed to grow so close to Spencer. I mean you'd kissed him, how much closer can you get? But in these six months, he still hadn't told you about his mom? He'd started that sentence but never finished it.

And as those thought reaked havoc throughout your head, Spence watched your expression change. "Hey, what's wrong?"

You wiped what ever expression he read off your face and turned away, "Nothing, I'm fine."

Spencer started to say something but you cut him off, "come on, Rossi and Hotch and here."

You reached for your suitcase but Spencer had already grabbed it and began walking beside you, pulling both your luggage. He was still trying to read your face but you were trying not to give him anything to read.

You quickly boarded the plane and took a seat. Spencer got on as fast as he could after handing off both your luggage. He took a seat directly across from you in hopes he could read what was wrong, but as soon as you felt the plane take off, you unbuckled and rolled away from him to nap.

You didn't wake up til you felt Spencer's hand on your shoulder. He was kneeling so he was head level with you whispering, "Sleeping Beauty, it's time to wake up. We landed."

You felt your eyelids flutter open as you looked around to sit up. Everyone else was gone, you assumed headed home. But before Hotch got off, he made Spencer promise to get you home safe. Spencer promised and got everything ready while you slept just a few more minutes.

Both your bags were loaded into the car, all he had left to unload was you. He held your hands as you stood up, still barley able to hold your eyelids open.

"What time is it?" you managed to spit out between stretches.

"About 1 in the morning. We landed just ten minutes ago but I figured if the turbulence didn't wake you up that you really needed the sleep," he was holding back a laugh.

"Oh my god, I really slept through the turbulence? And everyone getting off?" you were genuinely embarrassed. "I'm not usually that heavy of a sleeper."

Spence began to walk you off the plane when he started, "It's okay, I made sure you were buckled for the bumpy parts."


The ride back to your apartment was mostly filled with you giving Spencer directions. He told you after he got there once, he would know how to get there from anywhere. The eidetic memory.

When he stopped in front of your apartment, you let out a sigh, "Well, here we are."

You started to push the door open when you felt him catch your arm, "Hey, do you want me to come in with you? You seemed really upset earlier and I want to make sure you're okay."

"You don't have too," you brushed him off, you didn't want to sound needy.

"No, I want too."

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