6. A Risk I'm Willing To Take

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The rest of that case was pretty uneventful, you gave your press conference, they caught the unsub. The only eventful part was each morning when Spencer would drive you to the precinct and pick a new coffee shop to try each time. You still switched paying and picking what to get, but Spence just stopped at the first new shop he saw.

Your tradition continued for months on end. At home when you'd bring it to each other's desk, or on cases when you'd wake up 10 minutes early to stop at a shop on the way, whether you had to walk or drive.

It was something you truly loved. It was something only him and you had. Yes, the girls took you out on girls nights and that was something only you four had, but this was only Spence and you.

By the time your 6 month anniversary for working on the team had came around, you felt like you trusted Spencer Reid with your life. But you weren't quiet sure why? He still was yet to tell you about his mom. He brought it up to never explain, but he would tell you when he was ready, right?

The pastry he brought you that morning made you do nothing but smile, but Penelope managed to cut that off when she let out those simple words, "we have a case."

You set the pastry down before even taking a bite, "Fun fun."

You looked at Spence who still had that same smile on his face, "Oh, it will be okay. Lets go."

He picked up his coffee cup and walked around his desk. He waited in front of your desk for you to join him. You picked up your cup too and joined beside him.

When you reached the conference room, your conversation got cut short by the breifing.

"Okay, so were headed..."


The case went like all the others did. Same morning coffee stops, same drives back to the hotel, but there was one different thing.

This time when you delivered the profile to the press, the unsub didn't respond how predicted. Usually the team catches them before anything goes south but with this odd reaction, they weren't able to quite catch him.

"He struck again... a family this time. He killed them all, mother, father," Hotch's voiced quieted, "and the daughter, and the 4 month old baby," He was trying to hold himself together for the team but you could see how much it hit him too.

You felt your heart sink as you listened to those words. Your body sunk farther into your chair.

"Did- did I do that?" you questioned quietly looking around to meet someone's eyes.

Everyone else was looking down, but you met the same familiar pools of honey. The anecdote to your everything. You felt his hand slip under the table to stop your hand that was anxiously rubbing your thigh.

"Was it me? Did I get that girl killed? He would have never killed that girl and oh, god that baby. He would have never done that had I not gave that profile!" you were almost crying at this point, and Spencer was squeezing your hand trying to get you to come back down to Earth with him. Your head was spinning and you had no control.

"Come on, tell me! Did I do that!?" you were yelling at this point but no one was responding.

Everyone had they're head in they're hands trying to reground themselves. When you looked around again to only meet Spencer's face, you whispered this time realizing its truth, "I did, didn't I?"

You watched Spencer open his mouth to speak but you heard Hotch's voice break the silence, "No, you didn't. He would have done the same thing if he felt the police pressure, he just did it earlier when he heard you describe him."

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